Good catch.

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Was Moby being a dick?

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Lumbersexual? Is that a thing? I am ROFL. And slightly aroused. I was a big fan of Bobby Sherman in Here Comes the Brides when I was an impressionable girl. I'm glad someone finally put a name to that genre of man.

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Reminds me of an M. Night Shyamalan movie.

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They don't behead here, but they sure as hell shoot people they disagree with, killing and injuring them. Look at what was done to Dr. Tiller, for instance.

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This is one instance of home schooling I approve of.

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They are fine with shooting people they disagree with. So, basically, the same thing, IMHO. The people are dead, regardless of how it's done.

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It's true, they've never beheaded anyone. They prefer lynching.

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I bet isis don't believe in climate change either

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No snark - that's a fascinating point. There is a historically-informed Torah movement that uses historiography, archaeology, textual criticism, etc. They should get together with some sane imams and talk all this out.

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'Adam = earth in Hebrew.

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Teach the Comparison!

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Yes fundamentalists are all pretty much the same...this is true even with non-Abrahamic fundies like Hindu fundies, it's amazing really. It's almost as if right wing assholes all live in the amygdala which is what ugh, SCIENCE! is starting to explain.

Anyhow, this is O/T but the next time a wingnut starts babbling about the KKK being an exclusively Demoncrat party thing I have found some rebuttal ammunition. 1) Indiana, which has been GOP controlled going back well over a century was known as the only truly completely Klan controlled state during the 1920's and 2) Owen Brewster (R-Maine). Owen Brewster won both the governorship and also became a Senator whilst the KKK openly supported and campaigned for him. So there's two pieces of evidence to stick up their fat, racist asses sideways so they can butt-bortion (LMAO) it later.

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Gives a whole new meaning to "angels dancing on the head of a pin".

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As if Hindus or Buddhists are free from assholes! Honestly, why do you libs blame Abraham for everything? It's not as if he ACTUALLY killed his son.

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Look at what happened to Pim Fortuyn, for instance.

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