Thank you, you're right, I guess that's where I start from, thinking, the sane voices have to keep speaking up, but it gets so astonishingly enraging!

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Thank you, that's exactly what I needed to hear. I love that you really get it. It's exactly that part--they're acting so "cool" but they're actually willfully ignorant and refusing to listen to facts and they are so, so, so wrong, and then shitty about it too. But you're also right, I need to unplug. Living in L.A., I guess I'll...er.... put on my shorts and tank top and take a sun umbrella for the heat....? Close enough!

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I literally got into a really upsetting argument with some "lefty" assholes on the Face Place earlier today and am still upset. They were spouting Jill Stein bullshit, and how Bernie would be WINNING now, like morons, and I posted, really politely asking them to reconsider, and pointing out some of Jill Stein's dubious positions on things like vaccinations and Wi-Fi and the military, and also asking them to consider that Hillary's "scandals" are almost entirely manufactured by the right wing, and here are some of her actual accomplishments and who she is.

The guy whose page it was immediately posted "That's disinformation." The other commenters piled on.

I offered sources. I pointed out that in this election it was important to look at the actual options, and their actual consequences, and make an informed decision. He said I was "spouting Trump fear" and he was deleting my comment. I said I wasn't, I was merely pointing out the facts. He deleted that too. I pointed out that deleting my comment wouldn't actually change the facts. He deleted that too.

Okay at this point I just blocked the asshole. It's really upsetting me for some reason! He's actually an artist that I really admired, a friend of another friend who's an artist, so I was tickled to be FB friends with him, but he's such a dickwad and a fool! I've been upset all day and I really don't even know why! These people are just so fucking crazy, and so idiotically gullible to right-wing bullshit and they can't even see it! Fucking Jill Stein??? WTF???

I posted this on another thread, I know. One of the Wonketters suggested the term Steinbros. But I'm STILL stewing over it. Gahhh. Must stop going on the Face Place. Can anyone suggest a sanitorium I can just check in to until after the election?

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Thank you! I have yet to see a positive ad from Hilary. I get that you have to play some hard ball, but you also have to give me a reason to vote for you, not just vote against Trump.

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You get a gold star! A special, six-sided one!

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I could use one of those RIGHT NOW.

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It's so hard not to answer "well, if you really want to show how completely gullible you are to the right wing propaganda machine, and that you might as well be watching Fox News, and you're really just trying to cover your misogyny here." Especially if it's a friend. I can't believe how angry this makes me.

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"Who does White Power Bill REALLY hate?""The Jews?""Well of COURSE the Jews... but who ELSE?"

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THIS. The most enraging part of this. Like Obama hasn't been systematically, and effectively driving ISIS back for the past two years and like they aren't in retreat and in tatters, and like this was any sort of "ISIS" attack. GRRRRRRR.

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And enforce the wearing of the yellow stars and smash the windows of their businesses.

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Well it's so much easier to blame dark people, and go for the super easy and wrong solutions from the Loud Man, and believe he'll MAKE THEM RICH, than it would be to stop buying lottery tickets or getting new tattoos, and actually get an education and a usable set of skills.

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That deer, though, is a TOTAL neo-Nazi, big Trump supporter. The elk, though? Trans. Used to be a moose.

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I know, I saw a rogue Trump/Pence bumper sticker, pretty rare out here in L.A., on a truck, of course, out in the deep valley (SFV), and I wanted to have a bumper sticker to stick over it that says "I support a filthy racist bigot misogynist Putin-tool and am fine with it" but my husband said that would be vandalism and I couldn't do it. Don't have the other bumper sticker, either. Yet.

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I just want a nice Swiss sanitorium that I could go to for the next month and a half.

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Oh my God. So true. "They said I was helping them, I was really great for them, so what do you want me to say? I'm going to support them!"

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