My aunt always said he was in the foundations of the RenCen

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Sadly, a fair number of competent NFL players are Jeezerfreeks - Terry Bradshaw comes to mind. It goes with the game, along with T & A at halftime, drinking yourself into a stupor and then driving home, and severe brain injuries. Youknow: America's Game.

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Where is your God now?

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I blame spineless tolerance of the gheys.

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There was a funny noise when the team went into (scoring) drive.

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Well, boxing and wrestling are considered 'sports', so ergo.

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Wonkette hates football but loves big burly men in tight pants. Amirite?

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...thank GOD the NFL banned the "throat slash" gesture, because If he did that Lindsey Graham would have demanded a drone strike!

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Tebow no likey!

(Yes, recycled from Wonkville. Sustainable commenting!)

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...so much for fighting them over there!

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I'm interested in what a post-touchdown celebration by an adherent of Hinduism would look like. If it's even remotely as epic as some Bollywood films I've seen, I'd wager they'd completely supplant halftime shows within two years.

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...and a new set of britches also too!

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I do not even want to contemplate what SMOTI, Gellar and the nativist wing of the nuthouse said about this. Because whatever I imagine is probably 1/100th of what they actually will vomit up.

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Two points:

1. the ref was an ignorant bag of summer's eve and

2. What kind of god is it that the Tebows and Abdullah's of the league worship that they feel like they should give thanks for a good play while in other parts of the world, kids are praying for food/peace/stability and getting squat? Seriously god...turn off the fucking ESPN. You already KNOW who's going to win, so get busy with stuff that matters.

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Jesus spends most of his time picking winners and losers in sports these days. That's why children die of ebola and family albums are lost forever after a tornado.

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