"This food is terrible and the portions are so tiny."

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Krauthammer is better suited for the comic section right next to Family Circus.

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Will the cuts keep aphids out of 24 states?

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Psychiatrist, heal thyself.

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<i>Obama is now “dead in the water” because he is a loser, for example sequester, immigration, terrorists, guns, etc."</i>

Wait...whut? When did all that happen?? Just how fucking long was I asleep???

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"Instructed to inflict maximum pain" - who knew that Krauthammer has been earning a living writing dialogue for "24"? Or do Ag Dept bureaucrats all frequent leather bars these days?

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Krauthammer has been doing this for so long, I would imagine he now believes the nonsense he writes. I mean, they can't print it if it isn't true.

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Krauthammer's job title? Self-important Twat

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Just to clarify: If I wipe runny, smelly bullsh*t from my arsehole on fishwrap and submit, the Wash Post will both <i>print</i> it AND <i>pay</i> me $$$ for it?

Geez, maybe Fkhammer isn't such a dumbass after all.

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ISWYDT. Bravo.

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With votes?

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If there's any element of the federal bureaucracy that can inflict pain upon the American public far and wide, it's the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

And aquaculture--is that like synchronized swimming?

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My socks! I can't feel my socks!

(Three people will get that.)

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Hey, Barb. Do you have any kind of updated sked for when Editrix is planning to do ALBQ? It turns out that I may be in Vegas on the 15th of June, and I could stand to look at the Grand Canyon for a day or two if I had to vamp.

Eventually, I have to be in Heber City, UT by the 21st, for my ex-stepdaughter's wedding, but I'm hoping.

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