Next thing you know, it'll be the Klan that's racist! Waitaminnit...

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<i>Professional</i> moran. Republicans pay him to spew this shit.

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Ten minutes? I thought you were entitled to fifteen! Man, this economy really sucks...

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Meh ... it's a <i>very</i> small fortune. Racist douchenozzles like this are just parasites on the reanimated corpse of Nixon's "southern strategy". They'll die when the host does.

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So long as you don't mind our strict adherence to what actually went down -- and a jaundiced view of that pointless swearing-on-the-bible routine. The very best pitchforks are forged from cold hard facts, and we use nothing but the best.

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And don't even get me started on the complete and total racism of Soul Train...

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When Obama wins in November, I fully expect a lot of "The ballot or the bullet" letters to the editor.

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I didn't even notice the name, would have recognized it, but gave the comment a like anyway.

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We've gone through Karl Rove's looking glass.

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Romney-Marks: otherwise known as skid marks that can be removed by shaking your magic underwear...

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Looks like Mitt Romney's long search for a running mate may be over. Let's see what eRmoney.com thinks.

acceptable to the base? YES can quote out of context? YES smarter than Sarah Palin? YES

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Yeah, and I have to walk on a sidewalk without nonwhites stepping off as I approach. How long must my suffering go on, how long must I wander in this nonwhite wilderness?

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all of them, Katie

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<i>despite receiving nearly half the white vote to win the presidency...</i>

dude. it's the OTHER half of the white vote that's the problem.

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