not all streaming service are showing Dune this weekend.

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Naturopathetic bullshit.

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Did you hear about the homeopathic patient who died of an underdose?

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Reminds me of when I see comments from right wingers about being "taxed to death." Yet I've never heard of that happening to anybody.

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Died of thirst?

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One of my friends keeps asking questions about vaccine safety and then quoting absolute fruit loops off of the youtubes. It’s so sad. I’ve tried having discussions and gently mentioning that her sources are shit, and asking what her worries are coz I like her and she’s normally not mad. But she’s lost it on this. Totally. I’ve been reading and mentioning actual scientific papers and her response (which finally made me give up trying to reason with her) was ‘Facebook fact checkers are all paid for by Johnson and Johnson so they can’t be trusted.’ Fucks sake woman. I’m reading papers by actual scientists studying this shit, and pushing myself to comprehend the science which is WORK for me coz they’re not writing for a general audience, and I’m proper clever but also, not a scientist so I’m proud of this new thing I’m learning to understand. I’m not relying on social fucking media to get information about this. Argh! On the upside I live an entire continent away and won’t have to worry about avoiding seeing her in person until June.

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I've seen that a lot in families I've known with parents/grandparents who came from other countries. It is so cool that you can each speak the language you're more comfortable speaking but still understand each other.

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Unmasked Cops, Who Shoved Customer Out of Subway For Asking Why They Were Unmasked, Face Disciplinehttps://gothamist.com/news/...“Nobody’s getting fired over this incident, nobody’s getting suspended over this incident, but at the same time, I’m not in any way shape or form attempting to downplay that.” -- NYC Police Commissioner, shamelessly downplaying the incident.

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Make sure they're N-95s. (Sounds like you need to be protected.)

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When I was "dating" back in the '90s I met a woman who right away told me that her dad was a naturopathic doctor. I could not run fast enough...

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Yes, he is a prime example of pulling the ladder up after you, to make sure no one else can do the same.

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I went to see the new Fast and Furious in the theater (several months ago), but there were only about four other people at that showing. I expect Dune will be crowded.

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Thanks, I may give that a try.

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us, too, in Kentucky. Gov. Andy's literally life-saving mask mandates, especially for schools, got axed after months of litigation by our repug supermajority lege. Motherfuckers.

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To be honest, they did think the Japanese were a little weird.

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