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All those guys in back of him have the same face

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lets hope they strap him down and perform an exorcism

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Lack of workers in WVa? Why don't they procreate instead of getting high on pills or moving away.? Maybe Joe Mansion and Yaht should do more for his constituents and less for his hair stylist.

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That's my company's business model.

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Everything 's better with coke.

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Thanks for noticin'...

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Heal from what ? Your administration?

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When I heard about the "Top Things I'd Do If I Were An Evil Overlord" list, I IMMEDIATELY said "My air ducts will be too small to crawl through."

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"We need people that want to come here for the right reason"

Can I try to fill in the "[...]"? That translates to "It's not *what* the right reasons are; it's *who* gets to define them."

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Let me see.... fifty lawyers who actually work for the feds, including wh lawyers and AG say it is over, you lost. Five whack jobs plus a lower level DOJ guy say hey, just this one cute trick... yeah, it is illegal as hell, but it just might work. Which ones would you listen to?

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They dream of electric sheep grazing the slopes of Olympus Mons.

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Not immigrants. Wypipo mostly.But folks setting up compounds do not earn money and pay taxes or otherwise stimulate the local economy.

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Heh. They want to attract first-worlders, they’d better get on gun control and public healthcare for all.

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I think a lot of them are dying from opioids, young and old.

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