Poor Brett suffers from affluenza. Just look at him - a-hole written all over that face. He'll be confirmed because the rich people who control the Republicans want him. The fix is in. VOTE OUT ALL REPUBLICANS - FROM DOG CATCHERT TO POTUS. They are bad for average Americans.

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So long as they got the dangerous Vince Foster. Sure he was a really good friend of theirs but-- it had to be done because he was so dangerous.

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Yesterday I saw an article on my phone from an outfit called Splinter (apropos, since they seem to be about as irritating). They are LWNJs of the highest order. I didn't read said article, because the pic and headline were enough to get me angry. It was Hillary and Chelsea on stage, and the headline was just: Oh HELL No. Last I heard, HRC was not going to put herself through another campaign, so I don't know what got them so het up.

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Dude, you were in on the earlier full retirement age. Wasn't that 65 years even? Yes, I believe it was. In fact, it's in the chart.https://www.ssa.gov/planner...

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Huh. And here I thought she devolved into an adolescent and from there into a virtual slave who was forced into degrading acts, some of which were discussed at my place of work, at the time, with much shaking of heads and with Rush Limbaugh blaring in the background.Good times...

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Depends on your birth year - either one.

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That's why it's the Supreme Court, it gets that ultimate privilege, see. You don't get ordinary Appeals Court guys up your vag, for example, or even-- well I'm not sure about those guys at the Hague, that's kind of scary, what they might be allowed. Oh-- Small Claims Court judges just get to comb your hair.

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Jesuit Educated and Sex Obsessed? Yes this is going to require some additional investigation. A complete psychosexual profile is clearly in order before this man is allowed to share a coke with Clarence Thomas. I mean if we don't court to turn into some sort of Rocky Horror Picture Show.

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ESPECIALLY the guys.

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Shit, if I had such a wonderful hit squad that never got caught or ratted me out, I'd have rubbed out Nixon on general principles. His scuttling of a peace agreement -- having his representative* tell the S. Vietnamese president to hold out for the "better deal'** when he got elected sent 25,000 more 19-year-old Americans to the slaughterhouse and more than that to permanent physical and/or mental destruction.

* We know this because the S. Vietnamese president's crib was bugged. Oddly, Johnson faced the same dilemma as Obama: Let a genetically created criminal into the White House or set off one hell of a political hydrogen bomb.** Getting a "better deal." That sure sounds familiar.

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He will be an even better SCROTUS.

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So can I get full retirement at 65 an 11-months if one takes into account I was actually born at conception? (Is my math right?)

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Couldn't he just look at porn the way multitudes of people do who aren't character assassins grinding political axes?

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Even the guys'!

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"I note that we have asked numerous people about Foster's alleged affair with Mrs. Clinton that I made up in my fevered imagination. We have received no confirmation of it,.. but our questions have informed other people of our smear, and now the whole town thinks it's true, so... mission accomplished."

-Brett Kavanaugh... probably.

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