State Department's gonna confiscate his passport and those of the Trump Klan as they leave the residence.

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I didn't even try. Dumb Donnie from the get-go. But I was careful never to say "President Trump" since he didn't deserve the title.

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May I take this moment to send a shout-out to the entire Wonketariat for their discipline over the last four years to maintain cool, stick to the facts, and (mostly) refuse to descend into the whiny histrionics against our own as a response to his inanities that plagued a lot of social media?

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I'll never be able to watch the Back to the Future movie franchise the same way again, after seeing Biff Tannen actually become President and proceed to shit all over the country for four years.

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My father disinherited me and my sister for voting for Obama.

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Speaking of faces -- so many similarities here...truly a dream ticket! (Hoping someone here gets this one.) https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Certainly a lovely change...

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this is perfect.

also, we must take back redefining what this country. we can do that without the senate.

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Of that, I'm not certain. It's only been documented in the past several weeks, apparently, so there's still a good deal to determine.

One interesting comment I saw, though, mentioned that all three of the known biofluorescent species belong to quite old orders of mammals - which raises the interesting question of rather most/all ancient mammals were biofluorescent.

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it's the coke breathing that weirds me out.

speaking as a child of the 80's.

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Russia's massive intervention - a surprise cyber-attack on the U.S. - helped the GOP in 2016. It's apparently not quite so easy this time, when the U.S. is forewarned.

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i need to be here.

with my bff.

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Ha! I have managed to never say fuck in my lessons (out loud) in 20 years of teaching.

I did say it once, by accident, back stage and a couple of kids heard me whisper it. It blew their minds! In my defence I’d just caught my leg on a sticking out nail. It ripped my favourite trousers and also left a slice in my thigh. I didn’t have the time or equipment to deal with it, other than a tissue to press on it intermittently during the play. And I could feel the blood trickling down to my knee.

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Lol. His mouth like a cat’s butthole. Thank you for that. I don’t know where to begin when choosing his worst feature, but for me it’s his eyes. Something is just wrong about them. Their angle, the squint, the redness, like a touch of fetal alcohol, mixed with inbreeding and consumed by sheer madness.

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Handsome Joe and Lovely Kamala. It’s just hitting me now. These are our new leaders. Imagine how much Kamala will do as VP. She is gonna get shit done. Not like that smarmy bible prop, Pence. What a phony.

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