Declassifying the previous administration’s “dirty laundry?” Good thing Trump World does everything by the book, otherwise this might bite them on the ass down the line!

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You left off projection and hypocrisy, also too.

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To be fair, doing things by the book without corrupt intent is scandalous behavior in bizzaro-triumph world.

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OMG. Now I've heard everything.

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Commented earlier, the whole uproar is about the same as a known criminal getting caught outside a wealthy heiress's gate with a crowbar in his pants, then complaining he never got his crowbar back.

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Facts don't matter to the cultists.

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“Well, Mr. President-dad, Obama was careful to do everything legally.”

“So...what are they hiding?”


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So the whole point of this was to make it “””””””””””””look like””””””””””””” Michael Flynn was a traitor? And they instead chose to publicize none of it but instead hand Donald the election because of Hillary’s buttery males???

Glad this will be breaking news for the next 7 months and the subject of no less than 12 cilliza think pieces.

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Trumpers keep saying Obama's was "the most corrupt administration in history" and I would LOVE to see their list of corrupt actions. Really. Just...just fuckin' write it down. What makes them THE MOST. They're like Trump, they can only speak in superlatives and it makes them sound ridiculous.

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TRUMP ADMINISTRATION FOLKS: We reject your subpoenas! We refuse to cooperate!

TRUMP FANS: Yeah! Standing strong! Clearly innocent, why should Trump have to comply with a witch hunt!

SUSAN RICE: Yup, that's my email. Hey! You should declassify MORE stuff so everyone can see for themselves!

TRUMP FANS: She obviously planned a cover up! This corruption is disgusting! Proof. PROOF!!!

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Wait a few minutes

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The total lack of evidence is proof of conspiracy!

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The tan suit is top of the list

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And I'm pretty sure he saluted while holding coffee once, didn't he? Also, the whole "not doing what white Republicans wanted" thing. They only want what's righteous and good, so I'm assuming if he did something else it must have been EVIL.

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