The cops have to protect the proud boys, on camera, they can only do so much!

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Republicans are privately against those, so it’s ok

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When somebody shows you who they are believe them, etc. etc.

The 126 Congressmen, plus AG's and others who signed off on the Texas suit (and Ted Cruz) all showed themselves as seditious fascists. Any mention of any of them by a Democratic official, in any venue, needs to include the words "sedition" or "seditious." As in, "While I hate to characterize my colleague Representative Scalise as anti-democratic and seditious, his actions in 2020 speak for themselves, and his support for this bill which transparently seeks to disenfranchise thousands of U.S. is simply more of the same."

Every. Single. Time.

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“ Republicans want to simultaneously appease their base while using these whispered statements privately to give themselves both legitimacy and plausible deniability if confronted. We need to hold them accountable for what they say or do publicly, not privately. It doesn't matter if Republicans privately hate Trump or recognize Biden's victory if publicly they are attempting a coup to continue the presidency of a guy whose pandemic response failure has cost hundreds of thousands of lives.”

This right here is the thing. One Democrat has an affair and every Democrat has to condemn the cheater. They get credit for saying shit privately and Democrats back them up. Listen the Fuck Up Elected Democrats: you’re in an abusive relationship with a party that will never love you! Kick them to the curb and do right by the ones who elected you!

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The Proud Boys should visit Chicago. I know some cool people in Humboldt Park who’d give them a real education.

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Cedric - appeasement never works.

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That's nice. Crabs gotta eat.

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