As someone who read the books (I know, I know, I was young and stupid in high school) this should be fun to read.

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I swear I'm gonna win the deadpool in that he dies via an explosion on the launchpad.

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Each donut has a yummy pink slip baked into it.

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Feels like Bank of America is already starting in with the loosening of regulations. My fiance got a notice that he's going to start being charged $12 a month to have his checking account unless he either keeps $1,500 in it at all times, gets direct deposit, or has a combined balance of at least $20,000 in all banking and investment accounts.

That doesn't work very well for him because he's a freelancer and bills have gotta be paid. We're already looking at other banks and hoping they don't start following suit.

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I'm not at all in the same position as your fiance, but one thing you might look at is a strong credit union. Tend to have more reasonable feesl policies, etc than commercial banks, from what I and my friends have found.

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Well, fucking around with live steam is the easiest thing in the world. It;s not like it's rocket science or anything. Or even basic automotive mechanics.

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"They sure add a lot to increasing costs for midsize banks throughout the country"

There are no more midsize banks throughout the country. Pay attention to the world around you; they've all been gobbled up into the giant mega-banks.

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I'd be happy if it just required them to use lube.

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a credit union would be best

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It is. And if you want some real laughs, here's what one commenter posted during the takedown on Atlas Shrugged:


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Though I know what I would like the result to be, for the accurate and supremely fair-minded call that the CFPB's position is legally "a little hinky," Wonkette gets a tiny pile of my Ameros! Gee, I like it here.

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When is Paxton going on trial?

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I think that may be done in late term abortions, which are uncommon to begin with.

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I just want Paxton tried, and if/when found guilty, sent to jail.

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Like Vanguard?

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Barney Frank says that succession was clearly written into the bill to prevent this partisan BS. Of course, Comey had a 10 year term, The Dotard fired Comey after 5 years and Congress did what it is successful at, which is nothing.

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