He's not doing solitary for tax fraud, he's doing solitary for attempted witness tampering. He got bail and home confinement for the tax fraud charge.

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I don't claim to have a clue as to how you come up with these fantasies, I will fuck with you anytime I please.

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"...liberty and justice for all" is just a cynical sound bite.

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True. They give priority to the stupid ones. They don't WANT the really intelligent ones.

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Jurors can be more than stupid....

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You're gonna be gone soon, who cares.

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Sure you can. Sure you will. TDB is perfectly usual, been there, seen it. You've become boring.

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saying that rule applies to non white blood is overtly racist...shame on you.

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That rule only applies to non-white blood. It is inherently racist.

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As far as I am concerned any Officer who lies on a sworn statement that is later presented to court should be convicted of perjury. It baffles me that they are not. I understand sometimes something gets missed from a statement, or misinterpretations happen, but when the video or audio clearly shows that the officer(s) lied in their statement they should be convicted of perjury.I would hope that it would be impossible for a convicted perjurer to hold a police officers job.

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Umm, or the cops just have their own rubber stamps so they can fuck with people.

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Of course it does, sooner or later, you'll be blocked from this site, and you'll have to find yet another wall to smear your poo on (which you will). Thing is, you didn't answer my question- why all the bad faith? Both sides equally bad, fine, make your case. Hillary, corporate shill, fine, make your case. Political alternatives to 2-party politics, fine, make your case. You never try to convince anybody of anything, and the politics I get out of you are incoherent, anyhow. Even if you're right about anything (wrong about Banter, by the way, have a looksee), you come off as a total and utter creep and not particularly bright. If you're a teener, you are, as you put it, a confused little boy; if you're an adult, well, you still seem like a confused little boy. That's not my fault, and I honestly don't care. It's your fault. Deal with it.

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I think Richard Pryor said it was the Justice system because that's what you see: "Just us."

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Wise in the ways of the Farce, you are.

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Oh, that is good!

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