Sentcha some. Take good care of that babby; Donna Rose doesn't just belong to youse guys.

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I will wager that Donna Rose will never start a GoFundMe for a pizza joint that won't cater ghey weddings.

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i tried to give you sum munies, but i ain't willing to give my phone number, sorry. congrats for your adding to the mass of humanity though.

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...my son(pronounced: SPOILED BRAT THAT I LOVE BEYOND COMPREHENSION) has taught me the following

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Give your neighbors number. Or maybe someone you don't like. Or the White House number. No body cares.

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Dang, was hopin the babby woulda pushed out the icky :k Still, top ten is pretty good for a 3 day old :D

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me and the missus did the tag team thing when Kid Glass was born. She slept in, I did the morning shift on weekends, she got up, we had lunch, then I took a nap.

It is important to stop at one kid (at most) because if you don't, you lose numerical superiority.

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Ain't that the truth. Donna Rose is OUR babby. She is The One.

One heck of an extended family of wastrels, layabouts and COMMIES (!!1!) she was born into. If only I had been so lucky.

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Today I'm part of the answer to the question: "How is babby funded?"

Best wishes to all for many happy years.

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Don't you think babby is a little young for pony?

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If you ask them nice, they would probably give you an address to mail an envelope. Think possibilities, not obstacles.

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As I had chosen to nurse the offspring and did not pump in the early days, I was the only one getting up to feed a voracious babby who liked to eat every 3 hours for an hour. One night, the ex got up and entered the living room to find a sleeping babby and a quietly crying wife. When he asked why I was crying, I sobbed, "because they treat prisoners of war better than this!"

Such was my fatigue that, when he mentioned this episode the next day, I had no memory of it. At all.

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Here, kid... getchyaself somethin nice...

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...my "Little Dictator" is a year and a half! But when both parents work in "Retail", its a MOTHERFUKKER! I would REALLY love to have a DUGGARDS full of kids(I sincerely love the little monsters) but my wife put her hoof down!

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NOBODY is too young for pony!http://vignette2.wikia.noco...

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maybe for a while yet . . . but when she is on solid foods, i think her diet should be up to her parents to choose.

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