"Circular reasoning is circular."

Dunno. Seems kinda square to me.

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I've never seen a dog wearing a denim skirt before.

[sorry, saw the pic and couldn't resist]

[your dog looks very thoughtful]

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"because if there's one thing all Americans agree on, it's that we want less fucking in our lives"

I think we all certainly want less fucking assholes in our lives.

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Oh my dear, metaphorical Gawd, the Westboro Baptist angle Made My Day!

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As AA;s Bob Wilson once said, "Some people are beyond help." No Mr. Davis, not even Viagra will help you with that jail bird.

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I am picturing a web site designed like a children's book... a book halfway between 'Hop On Pop' and 'Go Dog Go'.

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Past performance is not indicative of future results.

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If that's an example of what Sodom and Gomorrah have in store for me, I feel seriously deceived.

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Havarti go over and tell them to just give it up already.

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Pics or GTF-- no wait, scratch that.

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Contents may become disillusioned during shipment.

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Where I live having an $80K per year income puts you well into the 1%. That is sweet money indeed. (It's about double what I was pulling down at the peak of my professional career a few years ago. Back when I was regarded as "affluent.")

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Oh, it would require a fuckton (or three) more harassment than that, relentlessly applied for a few years at least by people -- supervisors, agency administrators, etc. -- allied with a rival political party (even though civil service is supposed to be nonpartisan). Ask me how I know. Or maybe not -- I don't want to get Banhammered.

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Oh, so you DO know. (See previous comment.) Ayup.

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In my job there wasn't anyone who I could point out who did nothing. Some of us did the work. Others did the mischief -- the bosses' handiwork, if you will. We knew our jobs inside and out and were good at it. We kept the place running. The other guys were especially adept at the underhanded stuff (directed at the rest of us), which always seemed to be regarded by our administrators as being the more important work. It was certainly better rewarded at least.

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I can cite two cases of incompetent people transferred to nowhere jobs who did indeed hang around for a few years. In fact one of the yutzs lost his retirement account in a divorce (long story) and was still there because he could not retire even after I retired. And he had been there 10 years longer than me.

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