same reason most evil dicks do what they do. power, and gold.

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damn! you beat me too it.

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Count me as another one.

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I've said it once and I'll say it again. That is the face of a true monster.

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I don't understand why more of them don't commit suicide after a while. Maybe they quit and go into Tax law.

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I am firmly of the opinion that children who are left in the care of the state should be disqualified from receiving a home-school education, for two reasons. First, the state has agreed to be responsible for the education of the child. Although I don't agree with it, one could claim that a natural child is the property of the parent, and therefor the parent is free to raise them to believe every batshit crazy thing they believe. With the adopted child, there is a onus on the state to insure that the child they permitted adoptive parents to nurture, should be educated professionally, in the tenets of sound, reality-based education. Further, the child should also attend a public school so child care professionals can keep an eye on his/her development, and intercede with interviews and/or a medical examination whenever signs of tension, stress or abuse are observed.

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They are not going to jail forever. That would be cruel and unusual punishment. They are merely going to jail for the length of time it takes them to expiate their crimes --- 480 years.

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I would probably want to plow everything under, first, and coat it with a thick layer of tarmac. Does Taylor County, Georgia, need a honking big airport?

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That sort of depends upon the food you were stealing. If you were overweight and stealing salads, you may have been missing certain vitamins or trace elements.

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Very biblical. I believe Jesus cast some devils into swine, if my fading memories of Sunday School are correct.

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That's old school Bible.

According to the Broadcast of Televangelists, Chapter 2, Verse 1. "The Good Christian prays for gold and for his crimes to be not discovered."

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After watching the 2015 GOP goat rodeo and the current congress, being bombarded with the quaint activities of today's celebrities, and reading about the peccadilloes of corporate executives, I have come to agree with the kids that all too many of our olds deserve disrespect.

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These Christianists believe they were born in God's image, so naturally, they want to create as many little worshippers as possible, whom they can punish, just like their hero.

Then, when their children-followers fail to live up to the high demands of perfection that their children's diety-on-earth demands of them, naturally, they must punish them with excessive zeal, just as their Old Testament God smites his wayward followers.

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"Christians: Can't live with them. They won't go away. Can't shoot them."

I believe that was the conundrum you were attempting to illustrate.

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Pussy! Real Russians do the crossword puzzle in Pravda.

If you don't get that right, you're exiled to Siberia.

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I would rather hear, "I sentence you to 480 years in prison at hard labor, and if it weren't for these pettifogging sentencing restrictions imposed upon me by the bloody liberals, I could have given you 920 years in solitary, like you deserve.

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