"V-neck" my ass! That thar is a 100% jen-yoo-wine cameltoe!

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In other words: mental illness libelz!

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Thank you! Just trying to hold it together today.

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Thank you for posting this.

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Thank you, FDF. I keep coming back and re-reading this post. Im so done with stupid generational stereotypes. And its heartening to see the youngs stepping up.

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Here's the thing the purity ponies don't get that it seems the young 'uns do: politicians care more about people who vote than people who don't. They're going to chase people who vote. Part of why Democrats drifted to the right was those were the people who they knew voted every election. If millennials and Zs start reliably voting blue and supporting left wing causes, Democrats will move to chase those votes.

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yay.Go Gen Z kids! (born after '95)They grew up with an intelligent black president, with increasing LGBTQA+ rights, and think these things are the norm. They grew up post 9/11, and had to accept the fact that on any given day they could be shot at school.They are pissed.And they are voting.

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I agree with you. I'm not an AOC fan, and NY-14 voters can still show up and vote Crowley! There was, what, 13% primary turnout?

Upset the upset, if you want to!

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Good news should be shared.

Oregon voter turnout has reached 40 percenthttps://www.oregonlive.com/...

How's your state doing?

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Olden times? I have heard say I am a millennial, and Bob Barker’s Price is Right is the Only. Drew Carey just makes me miss Bob

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Hell, we can't even get ALL voting up to 30% in our county! People get mail ballots, don't vote/return them, then are too (insert excuse here) to go to a polling place and do a provisional vote or turn in their unvoted ballot for a shiny new one to mark RIGHT THERE. I'm working the polls tomorrow and I'd be ecstatic to see Youngs and Olds and Middles and weirdos show up and VOTE!

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Reminds me of Bob Barker from olden times version of The Price is Right. The man who, according to google, once said quotes such as :- "I can tell you that I'd rather be kissed by my dogs than by some people I've known."- "You can't fool television viewers with dancing girls and flashing lights."- "Nothing gives me quite so much joy as when people tell me they've had their pets spayed or neutered."

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I live in a college town. checked out the campus offering for early voting on Sunday and was not surprised to discover long lines and no parking spaces near the building where early voting was offered. they have these special hoods that they like to put on the public meters that warn of towing if regular folks park there. also raining yesterday mucho. so i took my wife to the early voting place on the outer edge of the county, where it is moar rural and mostly white folks. Big Success ! NO Lines ! makes one think...

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I feel like America is on the edge...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

If Republicans win, we probably won't need money anymore. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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It's not a conversation stopper for me, but as a boomer I note with some bemusement that we are held responsible for our own behavior and that of our children's. Part of the problem is that for many centuries there was a "right way" to raise kids, and it reliably produced a certain behavior and value system. But since the industrial revolution the world has been changing so fast that parenting strategies can't keep up.

I think the millennials are great. When Emma Gonzales or David Hogg run for office they'll get my vote.

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