Churches will obviously pick up the slack, just like they did in nineteenth century Ireland.

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And the the US was promoting this from Lady Liberty:

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

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I'm a li'l surprised nobody's painted over that yet.

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Governor Rick Scott of F-L-O-R-I-D-A was getting too far ahead in the game, Arizona had to strike back.~

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Absolutely! Why, some obscure Scotsman figured this out over two centuries ago! If you restrict wages, if you reduce the money supply, if you put the brakes on money acceleration, nothing but good things will happen!

He wrote a book about it, called An Inquiry into Really Fucking Over the Wealth of Nations.

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Needs fava beans and a nice chianti

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That's it, Arizona. No moar lobster for you. -the blue states

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So long as they keep frakkin texas, that should be any time now

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Wait, are they still taking the federal dollars and just not giving it out? Because, if so, we really need to cut off the federal dollars.After the revolution, we can reinstate sane measures like feeding fucking people so they don't turn to crime to feed their damn families you assholes

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I'm not totally conversant with biblical lore, buts this sounds very compelling! I really should look into this "Christianity."

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children should held accountable for their parents shiftless upbringing.

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Arizona...the state that is so assholish that even Oklahoma can say "we're bad but we're not THAT bad" while pointing at it.

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Let's not forget that AZ can do this because of "block grants," which is what geniuses like Paul Ryan want to convert Medicare/Medicaid to.

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"crutches that keep the poor from getting back on their feet"Metaphor FAIL.

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