Yeah... I love the Beatles, but "We Can Work It Out" is an AWFUL song.

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Oh my god, I had a version of that years ago for Soulja Boy's "Superman". I didn't have the heart to explain to a rep visiting my company, that it was about a dude turned down for sex who... well you have the internet...

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I loved some of the idiots tried to flush or burn razors. That's not how any of that works, and Gillette STILL made money off of it.

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Ok, the Captain Marvel one was pretty hilarious once you got past the horrible misogyny and racism. These guys were so invested in the movie bombing, they made up a vast conspiracy of Disney buying out millions of theaters to boost it, AND NO ONE NOTICED.Also it was hilarious seeing them spin it as a "mary sue" thing when it wasn't or the constant whining of "plot holes" that didn't exist. Mostly I think they were HELLA salty that the Avengers were named after her.

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You can be the strongest, bestest, smartest, and richest person, and some dumbfuck will reject you for some dumb reason. This is why most people HATE dating. I don't mean dating your significant other which is nice. I mean the bullshit gold prospecting scene of trying to find a good person in a sea of not good people.

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They don't get that people don't click, and other stuff. One thing I find immature people do is have a list of what the other HAS to have. For example, people will say, they have to have a nice care, like this TV show, listen to this music, and wear this type of clothing. I realized a long time ago with such lists you will have to keep adding to them and essentially zero out the dating pool. My list is just "you can support yourself, you are nice/kind, and you read". That's basically it. Most of the rest is really negotiable.

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It's almost like most adults care about what's inside than outside a person. It's almost like these boys have a repugnant personality that shuns women.

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To quote Super Troopers "Desperation is a stinky cologne"

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My mother was very frank about her sexuality. She and my father would make out on the couch (clothed) in full view on Sunday afternoon. I was surprised when I learned my kids were not supposed to know Ms. AIB and I have had sex once or twice.

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I can guarantee you that if I appeared before Mrs BL in a giant velvet hat she would be laughing altogether too hard to stand!

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Promote Project Exile in counties and states, then.

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A lot of people love to imagine that the "-isms" of society are a contagion that could've only been contracted by contact with the Social Lepers who infected others.

So, according to that thinking, racism could *only* have come from White Supremacists or racist right-wingers.Sexism could only have come from religious extremists and incels. And, if you were to follow it up and trace it all back from that racist or sexist, and who they had been in contact with, then maybe you'll find patient zero, the racist sexist boogieman who had gotten his disease from... Aliens? Hell?

I reject this understanding and assert that its more like an irritation or inflammation, really. Maybe it was a disease from those "Social Lepers", but, like many symptoms of other problems, it could also have been something else that brought it about. Much like there exists irl some feminists who engage in misandry because of some bad experience with some male, things like Liam Neeson's passing experience with racism come to mind. The incels themselves live in a society that seems to have made a laughing stock of the concept of chastity, especially in males.

You joke now, but beware that what you've told your sons about women are not the seeds of misunderstandings, or "irritation", later.

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And what is that when it's at home, then?

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I call it the Stalker song.

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IKR? And then we're the b-word if we get frustrated and demand they clean up after themselves. I think my mate is finally learning that I'm not the maid, the laundress or the only cook.

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Too damn late.

There were incentives to keep families together. People have been advising neighbors and the generation after their own to practice safe, responsible, or restrained and contained sex.Generation after generation of kids have been taught at home and at school, for 18+ years of their lives, very basic lessons in keeping ones hands to oneself.

And the problem with rapists isn't that they weren't "taught not to rape", but they ignore that lesson.Liberals have tried to teach them about the wrongness of domestic violence and hurting women -- Maybe thats an evil thing to do to anyone, no matter what their relationship is to you. Conservatives have tried to teach them the value of chastity -- maybe sex isn't how a man gains self-worth. All of society had tried to teach such people that perhaps, if someone doesn't want to play with them, maybe they should leave that someone alone and not lash out at strangers and society for their personal problems.

But maybe it was tv and hollywood that ruined them, right? Except that all of society has taught them, ever since they encountered a screen, that what goes on in the screen isn't how real (heck, they've made whole websites and publishing industries about it).

They've had many years of freedom to learn the lessons neccesary to living, if not totally at ease, somewhat peaceably with society. And yet they blame society and decide that shooting someone is the answer. Forget about it. Focus on the guys who don't think shooting people will help them.

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