I can't imagine that he will look any different than he does right now. His plumage is fake, his coloration is fake, and his mouth can't possibly assume a more anus-like shape than it already has, not to mention that he won't be paying enough attention to notice anything that might "age" him, unless a terrorist strike happens on Drumpf Tower.

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We are all nearing Barstow.

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I cannot play the video right now (shitty internet will barely load images, let alone vids) but I must ask, WHAT THE FUCK IS SAM BEE WEARING? IS THIS PROOF, FINALLY, THAT CHRISTMAS TREES ATTACK???

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Exactly. Narcissist.

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I wouldn't be upset if someone mailed me a carton of cigarettes. I wouldn't be enthralled, but I certainly wouldn't be upset. It's the thought that counts.

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yep cause if you're looking for a country that's full of christians, let's look and see what wikipedia says "Irreligion is prevalent in Germany. As of 2009, more Germans are non-believers in Eastern Germany than Western Germany.[1][2] When taken overall, Germany is one of the least religious countries."

well what about america? "A 2008 Gallup poll showed that a smaller 6% of the U.S. population believed that no god or universal spirit exists."

shhhhhhhhh, don't tell the terrorists

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The devil you know is galaxies better than the crazed orange fuckstick.

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OT, but placed here because don't we ALL check in on Dominic's round up each morning? We should!

Us Oregonian Wonkers are planning another Seize the Means of Drinkey Thing Production* event (Eugene, probably mid-Jan, stay tuned for details).

What if all around the globe, shining nation to shining nation (except Syria, because you guys have your hands full and I don't think we have anyone wonking from there), a whole bunch of unofficial Drinkey Things were held in various locales, in mid-January-ish. Not necessarily on the 20th, but near to it, or what the hell, how about a wonkette drinkey and sobbing party on the actual date of our certain descent into hell?

In any case, think about getting together with your fellow virtual pals - we had a good time in September at our picnic version, and I have yet to hear of a drinkey thing that was not worth attending. So there: put that in your pipe, take a good, long drag on the thing, and work up some plans!___* it's "sieze the means" because it's wonkers organizing, not official Wonkette Party Planning staff, though naturally YOU ARE WELCOME TO COME and we'd probably compel it if we could, but we can't, so please send cardboard cutout to PO Box....

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Where the fuck did we stash the bourbon?

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"so of course this is completely Obama’s fault."

Isn't everything? At least according to the Republican spin-meisters?

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Why is Glenn Beck wearing a sweater with a naked centaur wearing a Santa hat?

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Because Glenn Beck.

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Only problem is he's NOT running wild....he is being controlled by Pooty-poot.

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I really like Samantha Bee, I really do. But, I'm going to have to go with her "people mad at her for normalizing Glenn Beck" comment. She just allowed him to gloss over all of his alarmism and equate it with ours because, "Are you afraid of a dictatorship under this administration?" made his caterwauling sound maybe somewhat reasonable, perhaps. Except, Beck was howling about Obama, because his policies were very, very black man. We're worried about the things that Trump and his administration have openly said that they will actually do.

I think there is a wee widdle bit of a difference, there.

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Why, yes ... yes I can 😀

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No, YOU first!

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