Stock buybacks.

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There is an estate tax, still, but the exemption this year is a bit over 11M.

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Which time? It seems like he was in the primary a few tines. I believe I went for Bill Bradley the last time Jackson ran.

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I don't think we could survive a civilization-ending event.Too many people.Too many bombs.Not enough plant food species.Not enough animal food species.Weather too erratic to reliably grow crops.Too little science.Too much religion that requires hating science.

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That’s the thing. It’s just as bad as an extintion-level event.

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I posted a comment in the "7 hours ago" section. I'm going to repeat it; it's short:

I don't think we could survive a civilization-ending event.Too many people.Too many bombs.Not enough plant food species.Not enough animal food species.Weather too erratic to reliably grow crops.Too little science.Too much religion that requires hating science.

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ratio his Hawley off?

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He soiled his armor, he was so scared!

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Humans are, generally, too predatory. In my experience.

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The Zimmmy

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I thought "civilization-ending event" kind of had the idea that we wouldn't survive it baked in. Well, the very large majority of us, anyway.

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Ta, Evan.

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Agreed, I started trading in March, and I feel like I'm late to the party, but it's going to be a big fucking deal.

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