Because this loon is in Tennessee.

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What would change? These are the geniuses who, given several days of intense cogitation, came up with the best possible response to the Newtown massacre: "More guns, doh!"

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That's easy: take the pedophile, and arm your kids.

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...honestly, the Taliban is 2 notches above them in preparation(seriously). They really consider guns as an extension of their penises, that is the only reasonable explanation!

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actually, yes we are coming for your guns.

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....Gun nuts like this azzhole are really delusional, all they talk about is their ability to dissuade tyrants! Really?!??! Really?!?!?!? Please be assured you dumb ass fuck-tards, your ability to prevent the U.S. military from raining shitloads of fear and terror from 10,000 feet above or utilizing a tomohawk cruise missile will not be impeded by your shitty modified AR-15! If the government wanted to take your god damn guns they would shyt bags!!!!!

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I bet he was really good in debate class.

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...binders and binders!

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why do they ALWAYS come adorned with a funky ass beard?

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uh james, i don't think it's the video that's volatile.

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He'll be in the next Congress. The mob luvs crazy.

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...gawd, his penis is reeeaaaly small!!!

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"I don't care!' Errr, I do care enough to make another video about it, but I don't care THAT much...

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I was mad when I said it and I went off half cocked...

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Joe the plumber's brain damaged brother

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I'm dying to know what a foul weather pussy is

someone smart enough to come in out of the rain?

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