Is that some kind of quaint voter ritual where people toss a colored jellybean into the jar based on who they're voting for, or is "jar of jellybeans" just a euphemism for moonshine? ;P
Back when AMERICA WAS GREAT THAT ONE WE THINK black voters had to pass ridiculous literacy tests in order to vote, such as the "Guess the Number of Jelly Beans in the Jar" test.
"Hopefully you’ll ignore poorly managed Not-Real-News outlets..."Where's the fun in that? I'm going to be watching Faux Snooze all afternoon, right up until they cave to reality. Admittedly, "sad resignation" won't schaden my freude nearly as much as the "shock and whaaa!" of the last two elections, but I'll take what I can get.
It's all about him.
yes it is!
If by "funny" you mean "totally predictable", then yes, yes it is. ;))
Pretty sure she means that your roots in Murica need to go back at least as far as all 4 grandparents. But she is an ignorant bitch, so who knows?
Is that some kind of quaint voter ritual where people toss a colored jellybean into the jar based on who they're voting for, or is "jar of jellybeans" just a euphemism for moonshine? ;P
Damn, thas bleak. :(
Unfortunately, the fact that they're whining about it rather than having an epiphany just shows they've learned NOTHING.
...and that picture represented a "salad" under Reagan.
I've never understood the prejudice against ketchup on a hotdog. ketchup, mustard, sauerkraut dog FTW!!!
As will we all Donnie. As will we all...
Back when AMERICA WAS GREAT THAT ONE WE THINK black voters had to pass ridiculous literacy tests in order to vote, such as the "Guess the Number of Jelly Beans in the Jar" test.
Wait a minute! I said that! A. Einstein
Why did I read that as "party hash"?
"Hopefully you’ll ignore poorly managed Not-Real-News outlets..."Where's the fun in that? I'm going to be watching Faux Snooze all afternoon, right up until they cave to reality. Admittedly, "sad resignation" won't schaden my freude nearly as much as the "shock and whaaa!" of the last two elections, but I'll take what I can get.
La commedia è finita!
Is the PETA vote worth counting? Maybe it's "pleather."