No more opium poppy subsidies, the price of heroin will increase dramatically.

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Remember how the right wing nutz wanted to repeal the estate ("death") tax because families were losing their farms when Mom and Pop kicked the bucket and the back and front 40 had to be sold for those terrible Federal taxes and everything?

The only trouble was nobody - as in no one, not one person, not a soul on the face of God's green earth - could come up with a single - just ONE - fucking case where this actually happened.

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Say...that Rand Paul is kind of a crazed idiot, I am noticing.

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Farm bills never help farmers, only corporations who own farms.

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also: why can't i see most of your avatars today???

i blame mr. fuflans' mac.

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The C2H6O subsidy equals about $1.00/gallon. This is why we can't have nice things because we're pissing away a $1.00/gallon tax break for Archer Daniels Midland. And the bigger turd is these folks also want exemptions when it's used as a automotive fuel from the gasoline tax. Goat fuckers.

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all fetuses come with a lifetime supply of food stamps.

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well good. i don't think june is going to be a very good month in general so this would be nice.

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there have been entirely too many pictures of the house of prescott bush on the wonkette interwebs today.

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