Why build a pipeline, when there's the <a href="http:\/\/www.ctvnews.ca\/polopoly_fs\/1.1356305!\/httpImage\/image.jpg_gen\/derivatives\/landscape_960\/image.jpg" target="_blank">equally-safe rail transportation</a> alternative?

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Chuck Todd, is that you?

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That made me feel strangely inadequate. Thanks, glasspusher.

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Okay, here's my hypothesis to explain the right-wing authoritarian fundamental and rabidly racist nut cases: lead poisoning. we already have seen that it accounted for the violent crime bubble that has been declining recently, but maybe it has affected our species adversely in more ways. Like making people stupid and angry? Worth a look, I say.

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... order beers, and start trying to figure out what to do about all the teabagging morons out there.

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They'll say it's happened before, just part of the natural cycle, <i>etc. etc. ad nauseam.</i>

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It's just a theory...?

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Say, remember the "crazy ants" mentioned <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/524412\/kickass-telescopes-newly-discovered-mammals-and-welcoming-our-new-insect-overlords-all-in-this-weeks-sci-blog" target="_blank"> here</a> I asked a horticulturalist about them, he had not been doing a lot recently with entomologists lately, but a few days ago, sent me word they are <a href="http:\/\/phys.org\/news\/2013-09-invasive-tawny-crazy-ant-georgia.html" target="_blank"> moving into Georgia</a>. So, how far north will they go?

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Wonkette always cheers my day.

Good times!

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Oh darn. Does that mean they'll show up in <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/St._Albans_Raid" target="_blank">St Albans, VT</a> too?

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Hook worms are different. Don't judge!

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"Population growth and economic development are driving energy demand. All energy sources will be needed, with fossil fuels meeting the bulk of demand. At the same time CO2 emissions must be reduced to avoid serious climate change. To manage CO2, governments and industry must work together. Government action is needed and we support an international framework that puts a price on CO2, encouraging the use of all CO2-reducing technologies. We believe the best way [we] can help secure a sustainable energy future is by focusing on four main areas: natural gas, biofuels, carbon capture and storage, and energy efficiency"

Name this environmental wacko group bent on destroying the energy industry and throwing us back into the Dark Ages. The statement appears at Shell's website. Its president was on NPR or PRI several weeks ago saying the climate change debate, and specifically, human effects on the climate, are over. On the other hand, Rush and Sean, two college dropouts and former sports reporters, say it is phony science in order the promote the radical agenda, so I am torn intellectually.

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Since the 'paid amnesia' crowd are against any changes to the <i>status quo</i> perhaps they should be called antistitutes.

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