He won't be getting my vote in the primary, but should he be the nominee, I'll vote for him.

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Andrew Yang. If he makes it to the primary, I'll vote for him. I want people to hear about Universal Basic Income, and that's a big part of Yang's platform.

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I'll vote for any Dem nominee against Trump.

I have even made a resolution not to in any way criticize Dem nominees--I'll just support the ones I like best. For now the Dems are my team and all the players are wonderful.

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A race worth following:

The race is on, and the MANDARIN DUCK leaves the WOOD DUCK in his wake 📷: @mitzgami pic.twitter.com/oGHkehWclb

— Manhattan Bird Alert (@BirdCentralPark) March 5, 2019 <script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.co..." charset="utf-8"></script>

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I would, if you have a Dem. platform.

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This, there is an embarrassing number of candidates.

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tell them politics is The Art of Controlling Your Environment. And leave it there for them to ponder.

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I would seriously have Mojo Nixon play ahead of my announcement for President.

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I would not only vote for you, I’d watch your show.

As a vet and ex-cop and single dad you should have the moderate Republicans sewn up and some of the less literate extremists.

With a Democratic platform everyone else will be on board.

The inevitable seesawers should be won over by the fact that managing & guiding Congress is nothing to swingers.

Re: atheist, just spin it as “I can see the science on both sides.” Atheists & freethinkers will explode with laughter and vote for you in droves & supernatural lovers will nod thoughtfully and imagine that’s a deep thought.

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Dual citizenship by right of Wonketteering. Any of you who are kind enough to extend sympathy and help us keep our courage up are in, as far as I'm concerned.

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Or Chickenpooper.

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I also have an unfortunate tendency to say "Fuck" as a multipurpose word, and not to suffer fools gladly. I'm afraid I also have a self control issue when it comes to idiots like Republicans.

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Democratic and Socialist to a fare thee well. Gut the military budget, tell Israel to fuck right off, healthcare and education for all, minimum guaranteed income for all citizens, legalized weed, overhaul of the justice system and the destruction of the private prison systems, SANE immigration reform, and a concentration on climate change/renewable energy/etc. on par with the Moon shot program.

I figure I'd be assassinated in a week.

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Nope. Not running this time. You humans are some CRAZY motherfuckers, and I hang out with Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos. (Also, he says he's not interested either.)

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I can see how you’re not very politic, but fuck it, I’m ready to campaign. Miles ahead of the rest of these poops.

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Sure, but I... don't think that's the plan.

He's trying to goose numbers. That band sells out Red Rocks in minutes, and he's putting them on stage, for free, in public.

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