And don’t forget: The obstruction, witness intimidation and Ghouliani’s shadow government. Or is that tooo much for our fellow Americans?

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Thanks in advance for the live-tweeting. Sincerely, the West Coast.

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Fifty-five laps around the sun today. This morning I signed the final custody agreement for my daughter, and seeing her evil mother’s name put me in a bad mood. However-went for a 55 km bike ride (that’s 34.1 miles in stupid Uhmerkin measurements) even though it was cold as balls this afternoon, and then went for a nice sushi dinner with Missus Werewolf. So, on the balance, a satisfactory day.

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Some Inspirational Impeachment Eve music.


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Happy birthday!

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My ex killed my 10 year old daughter on July the 4th 2017. I've been lost since then.

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Today we are all dick joke writers

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