Yup she took her mom’s non married name.

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he looks like an elf in that picture.

corrupt elf, but still, elf.

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Yeah, and the Evangelical aspect, I guess. But on my most suspicious days I think they put him in to act like the nice Christian guy who would never do anything so evil as collude.

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Does Marco even know why he is an anti-Commie Castro Commie Cuban? Yes, there was all the nationalizing United Chiquita Banana and stuff but the big deal was inviting in Russians. Why isn't Marco at least a little perturbed by Russians winning the Cold War by taking over the Republican Party and throwing elections?

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Take the Senate Report. Doctor the front Page.Call it "QAnon Special Report". Post it on Reddit.Maybe the Morons and Village Idiots will actually READ It.

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kompromat? Plomo o plato? Pure greed and bribery? This isn't a poll. "All of them, Katey!" is also a possible correct answer.

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They are such precious creatures. Incredibly intelligent, arboreal loners.

They are so much like us.

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At the least, he practically laid out a case against Trump for obstruction, which is criminal it itself.

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New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire...

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Wonkette writers are fucking awesome. Thanks Evan for this, it's hard to read, let alone get my head around. You all seem to have so much knowledge, I am constantly looking up your references to things and learning so much. I am just very grateful for all the writers as well as the community... and it *is* a community.Thanks to you all.

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I haven’t forgotten the ‘cons are an evil cult for about 50 years.

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Trump sent this letter a year after Putin had journalist Anna Politkovskaya murdered as a birthday present to himself.

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I am worldly-wise and thick-skinned but...eeeeeeeew.

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Wattaya think the EP in the center is thinking, huh? (Hint: his wife’s in the mental picture.)

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Evan, you're a damn fine reporter. Thank you for writing this excellent story.

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