No poochies in my life; just kittehs. Super adorable ones. Due to Kitteh Mind Control, I am utterly in their thrall.

(The Serpent doesn't count; he's not a pet, nor is he adopted. He's more like a an overly-friendly neighbor who is always hanging around.)

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Well it's pretty obvious you don't have to be literate to do what you do, Just another damn spam scam.

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One of my best dog friends ever was an Aussie. I miss him. His human misses him and is looking for another Aussie. (He was a blue merle, and his sister was a tricolor.)

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I'm not entirely sure what Paperless Tiger meant by 'independently functional', but wolves are quite intelligent. I've raised wolf dogs for 25-30 years now and IMHO they are indeed smarter than "regular" dogs*. Wolves are less reliant on humans than dogs are (obviously), but that is far more a function of domestication than anything else. Wolf dogs are also easy to train, as long as you understand that you're starting from scratch, since they don't have that thousands of years head start like a domesticated dog does. Cats can also be trained, though they're not nearly as predisposed to it, due both to the fact that they're not as smart and also because unlike canines, they don't have a strong pack mentality that aids in cooperative learning.

*bearing in mind that we're talking in general- any given animal can be particularly smart or dumb, despite average intelligence.

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The two on the left are litter mates, brother and sister. The one on the right is my grandpuppy. He is the best grandpuppy ever.

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Late to the party, but here's my puppy cat, Nog.

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Textile inspection is part of a dog's life as well. Many years back when I was in a quilting forum on Usenet, the acronym for pets was "QI" for Quilt Inspector. Because you knew they were going to walk all over whatever fabric you were schlepping or prepping at the time. My late tortie Maya reserved her rare jumps on the table for when I was sewing on it.

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Sounds like you need a false flag operation to distract the QIs with.

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... I know exactly how your dog feels... I'm the same. It's always "do it if it feels good!"... even if you don't know what "it" is, specifically.

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... Barney was the brains of the whole operation, but nobody listened.

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... awesome if even not true. It would be an Urban legend everyone could believe in.

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... as has every GOP candidate currently vying for the Presidential crown.

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Nope, sorry, that title is owned for all time by my former James.

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Best named dog I ever met was a Cocker spaniel who was named Phil Collins.

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Late to the party, but here's my Welsh Terrier Linus with his kitty brother/partner in crime Chaplin. : )

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