What, no love for Guybrush Threepwood?

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I was going to mention Guy Fawkes. Isn't time to blow up Parlement again.

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It's national guy buys actual Bacardi Gold day and it is affecting me? Yes, it's like 10 drinks, and 101.6 ml went into a mini flask, so that's only 6-ish. Why am I feeling six drinks? Oh, it has been like an hour. Just gonna run with it. See you sleeping on my back deck?

Oh, and I told you that the Michigan shooter was aiming for children's heads. I knew it immediately. Radicalized incel garbage human shit. There are more words, but

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Another famous Guy. https://youtu.be/Ik7ktS3PqEs

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I can't believe you miss the actual anthem for National Guy Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJ_H28GoaCs

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"The difference between men and women is that, if given the choice between saving the life of an infant or catching a fly ball, a woman will automatically choose to save the infant, without even considering if there's a man on base."

--Dave Barry

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The hockey fan in me puts Guy Lafleur first, and the friend of my grandmother's named Guy was nicknamed "Gooey" by my mom, no not a Guy to be at the top of anyone's list! 😂

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Ummm. Well, okay.

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too lazy to go through the whole thread, so apologies if someone has posted this-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFzC-zvDoPE

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my brother's first name was guy but no one except his wife called him that.

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I haven't heard "Loving You Has Made Me Bananas " for over 50 years, but I still know all the words. Now why can't I remember why I came into this room?

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actually heard it on one of them thar internet radio thingamabobs just last week!

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Robyn's great, but some subjects require a Doctor of Rhetoric. Or maybe a historian. National Guy Day is one of those, although it would not shock me to discover that most sites talking about National Guy Day gloss over the most famous Guy of all, the one who ALREADY had a "Guy Day" all his own. November 5, for the record.

I'm not gonna get into the history of Guy Fawkes or the Gunpowder Plot. Not that it isn't interesting, but it's not sufficiently weird for a Saturday morning post.

But Guy Fawkes Day? Yeah, that's weird. First of all, it started as a celebration of James I having survived the plot and only over time became about his would-be assassin.

Second, it centers around bonfires, the poor man's substitute for fireworks, which were lit all over London to celebrate the King. It wasn't long before they were used to burn effigies. Generally the Pope, but of course they were called Guy. Over the years, effigies of the Pope were replaced with a more current despised public figure, usually ones with a reputation for dandiness. In the process, the word 'guy" became a pejorative for an "oddly dressed person," aka a dork. "Guy" mostly lost that pejorative meaning, of course, but I doubt promoters of "National.Guy Day" wanna remind people of that largely forgotten entomology.

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penny for the guy?

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I saw no insects.

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Fucking autocorrect!

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* There's a whole lot of additional history and detail regarding how celebrations and shenanigans revolving around Guy Fawkes Day influenced the development and meaning of the word "guy" in the Wikipedia page for Guy Fawkes Day, if anyone is interested.

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I'll go look. Thanx!

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Coolest boss I ever had was a Guy. Threw huge parties for his crew at his place in the country once a month. Damn! That was almost 50 years ago! Hope he's had a great life.

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1st boyfriend was a Guy.

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