Oh, well, it's not like you actually lost anything. Chalk it up to experience, eh wot?

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Hobbies? I've been going through Outlook tutorials, since my last jobs didn't require it and I've never had reason to use it. The long-term temp assignment for which I'm interviewing tomorrow is going to entail a 1-1/2 hour test wherein I must prove my proficiency in MS Word (expert), Excel (OK), Powerpoint (I've edited the work of others, and made one on my own), and Outlook. When I attempted to set it up on my Mac, I got a message that my key, which I took directly from the disc envelope and input correctly, is invalid. I therefore went to Microsoft support, which would be a joke, except it's not funny. Sat for an hour watching Outlook tutorials on YouTube instead. Wish me luck.

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cuz it's payday?

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sadly, the present story of my life.

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so does google news, but i bet wonkette kitty here don't track, and sell my info like they do.

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Last time I heard this song I still had my go-go boots!

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Gomez: He has my father's eyes. Morticia: Gomez, take those out of his mouth. ...

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Good luck. I've used Outlook for years and years, and to be fair, it's pretty intuitive most of the time. Crappy about address lists, though.

Anyhow, best wishes.

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Fifteenish (mebbe more) years ago there was a tribute album to Reg and Bernie, and the Who covered "Saturday Night's Alright...". I read a comment about it from Townsend, who said something like "Well, yeah, we thought we'd get a little of our own back".

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Oh, c'mon, Rebecca, you know the canonical answer to that one.

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Good luck. You'll do fine.

I never had a MS product that the key suddenly became invalid just when I needed it for a reinstall etc. Like last weekend when I needed to reinstall win7. Gave up and now I'm happily using linux.

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as a Hindu by birth and not practice (except when I tell my S.O. it's against my faith to pray for him to win the lottery,) I am guessing you probably used the word correctly and used it instead of the preferred terms "heathen" or "religion-with-100-blue-and-green-gods" (I learned that one courtesy of a Sikh classmate back in elementary school--can't we all just get along?)

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I thought it was only me that wanted a prehensile tail when I heard Charlie's mom's character on "Two and a Half Men" also wanted a monkey butt transplant.

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history might have turned out differently if he were surrounded by JA mon (and spleef.) (Isn't it pretty to think so?)

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If you take the SNAP challenge and you don't die, you're probably not doing it right.

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