Operative word: conscience.

As in we know who's got one and who's lacking.

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They had credibility to begin with? Let alone responsibility?

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Alabama wypipo don't consider a child diddling a firing offense, nor do lobbyist-hand-doodled-in-the-margins tax bills.

WE have to hang their failures around their necks. As in wypipo.

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I love how my congresswoman mouths the tired old premise that the growth in the economy will create more income and the additional tax revenue on that income will cover the 1.4 trillion in additional deficits. In other words the same old crap Reagan fed us. As before the money is really going to those already at the top - and they just got a tax cut!

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I can’t say this is the most clear and concise take on the tax bill. I can definitely say it is the most accurate, because I can’t say this is the most clear and consice take on the tax bill.

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Murkowski sold out early, Rubio & Corker flipped - Flake will, too - so I guess our only 'hope' is that McCain & Cochran take a few extra days of r&r and Collins gets the message that she's being played...again.

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I just spent 14 hours transporting a sick relative to a hospital/medical facility and pushing him around in a wheelchair while carrying ALL of the work that I was supposed to do during the downtimes while bringing him ALL over the hospital for ALL of the appointments and ALL of the tests in a 10 hour period and now I'm finally home drinking ALL of the wine. So, it was a pleasure to see this period-less article by the lovely Rebecca. Much gratitude.

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Reads like a page from the Poor Tony saga in Infinite Jest. Upvoted!

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I just hope the dems are smart and aggressive enough to use all the snippets and choice phrases in their campaigns. No more softball good guy crap.

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Here's the Trump tax cut in a nutshell. The rich get a Bentley, and you get a NAPA wiper blade, and they're going to come for your social security and medicare to pay for the tax cuts. This is the same flim-flam scheme as Reagans "trickle-down". The middle class got fucked then, and will get fucked again with this one. But as long as there's a football game on TV and beer in the 'frig, Americans won't give a shit.

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Please use paragraphs next time Rebecca.

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it took marco 2 or 3 days to count the bag of money they gave him for his vote. he only has ten fingers and ten toes. every time he gets distracted, he forgets where he is and has to start all over again.

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Murkowski sold out for drilling in the Alaskan wilderness reserve. Whatta moderate gal!

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Everyone in my home state of Maine is raging at Susan Collins. Maine is one of the poorest states in the country with one of the smallest percentages of millionaires and the tax bill is going to hit its aging population especially hard.

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Less softball and more baseball bat.

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