You missed the warning about the Brown Acid didn't you. Here's another warning Do NOT Drink the Grape Kool Aid.

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No, the 200% annual interest rate will be paid directly TO the Koch brothers.

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If the Equal Rights Amendment had passed, then this idea wouldn't float, because it disproportionately (as in totally) penalizes women who pay into Social Security and who have all the babies.

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This is such a great idea, why limit it to paid family leave? What if I want to draw on my Social Security in order to donate to a charitable cause? Or a political campaign? Or my local prostitute? That should be allowed also too.

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The faster the Republican party dies the better. These people are really, really stupid.

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Valid, but I think limiting the salary disparity between the CEO (and others up there) and the average worker in a company would do wonders for the economy.

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There's a lot of necessary engineering and science that has nothing to do with space exploration, and is criminally underfunded.There's a lot of necessary investment in people (education, health) all around the planet that's even more criminally underfunded. And as cool as it all is, I can't really see any argument for space exploration being urgent. There is all the time in the world to explore space. Maybe after we've learned how to live with each other and on the planet in a civilized manner would be a good time.A billionaire's vanity project. There are worse things he could do with "his" billions, sure. And a lot better things.I'm not sad the government doesn't do this, I'm sad anyone does it.

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Only 200%? PFFFFFFFFFFT. More like 5,000% annually.

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That's a perfect description of this scam.

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Then just the work requirement, viz China's corvée labourers.

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And you can be sure they'll tell themselves it's an environmental measure to save the planet.

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Taxing won't do it, except maybe at the beginning. It will ultimately have to be about removing control of resources from people who happen to be smart, or ruthless, or lucky, or have the right parents, or are connected to the right networks.I can't see something so reasonable as very likely, probably it will shake out in terms of mass death and untold suffering.

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Bullshit is the breakfast of champignons?

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Detrails, detials...Princess needs a 'win' since she's on nothing but twet stupidity for the past year, along with her brothers.

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She got her citizenship papers a mere five years after working on a tourist visa, sleeping with married men, and landing Dumpy while he was still married. The whole clan is treason personified.

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HAHAHAHAHH..nor do they do anything normal like play board games. Can you see her, Little Donnie and Little Barron sitting around a table playing Quiddler or Go Fish?

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