It fluctuates. Very disheartening when it goes up.

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Am I the only one getting a serious Kurtz vibe from that first photo?

The Horror... The Horror...

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"He's deteriorating in plain sight," one Republican strategist who's in frequent contact with the White House told Insider on Friday. Asked why the president was obsessed with Alabama instead of the states that would actually be affected by the storm, the strategist said, "you should ask a psychiatrist about that; I'm not sure I'm qualified to comment." https://www.businessinsider...

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And yet he remains a Republican strategist.

He's a really dumb rat who says, "Hey, I like a sinking ship.

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Back in the day, Fred Trump predicted that Hitler would win the war.

But even Fred wasn't dumb enough to octuple down on that projection in 1945.

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too literary and elitist for him. You need something punchy like Diarrhoea Donnie to get through to him. Diddle Dick Donnie. Small Hands Luke. That kind of thing

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How 'bout the Bahamas Sharpie Guy? Or an update that isn't a week old.

I'll bet The Dumpster could describe in detail every hole of golf he cheated at over the weekend and how the wind affected his 'ball'. He defs knew about Debra Messing and was all over that but somehow time just flew on him, like it was in a hurricane-lets say, and he missed the northern swoop of Dorian.

Anywhaze, The Orange Crush is dawdling, he's lagging behind, like a slow Rear Admiral-sorry.

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True. Dorian Trump is something he just wouldn't get. Well, he'd suppose it referred to Hurricane Dorian and get apoplectic every time someone said it, which might be fun.

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He was too busy golfing to "monitor" the situation - and he sure as hell won't admit to that.

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Stable Genius is so far over the cliff at this point that he never came up with the easy out of just claiming, "Some idiot at the Weather Service gave me bad information. He's outta here!"

(And SHAME on whoever at NOAA decided to throw their Birmingham office under the bus for politely correcting Fat Boy! They did their JOB, dammit!!)

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Meanwhile, over on Gateway Pundit, the usual bunch of dopes are running with the headline, "Alabama Guard Prepared for Hit by Hurricane Dorian - Trump Proven Right Again."Nary a mention of how the official Birmingham weather service corrected Trump's latest folly twenty minutes after he tweeted it. No mention of WHEN the Alabama Guard was making those preparations, or when it stopped because any danger from Dorian to Alabama had passed.Of course not.

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Yes. They did their job. But they did it, unfortunately for them, AFTER Wilbur Ross (that Wilbur Ross, yes) called for a change in NOAA leadership and put Neil Jacobs in. Jacobs was the former Assistant Secretary of Commerce.

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I am sure he was only worried about Mar a Lago, and only learned where Alabama is located on Monday.

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True. Not like the GOP has not actually stolen an election (or 2) before.

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But really, I would be good if he just kept it up, and was too obsessed to talk about baby jails, WALL, yanking social security, passing another realocation of resources to the extra wealthy, or fucking up all aspects of the planet.

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I grew up in TN as well, and had never heard of cornhole until I moved to MN. 🤷‍♀️

(ETA: but that wasn’t nearly as weird as having to learn to play “Duck, Duck, Gray Duck”)

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