Mostly unrelated: I was just watching my straight-for-me girlfriend Rachel Maddow, as required by liberal law and she had Ana Marie Cox on. I said to myself, please find a way to slip in a ButtSecks, reference, please please!! And lo and behold she did that shit, Rachel tossed her the softball, and she fuckin crushed it like juiced Barry Bonds, the ball is still flying westward. In one paragraph, she tied in Tim Pawlenty, the old gay brawny paper towel man, and the phrase "To be fair, the Brawny mustachioed guy does enjoy watching videos of men pounding each other, as well. FACT. That shit happened, deal with it! Somebody please post the video link, for reals. Let's hope this is not the last we see of one of Our Wonkette alums on (gay-munist) MSNBC.


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Whatevs. Like no one here never got down and dirty to some Salt N' Pepper at their high school homecoming dance. If I was 14 and couldn't rub myself all over a boy in a dark gym I would be pissed too.

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bang a gong, get it on.

it had to be said.

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So now they'll just hook up in their cars, risking hypothermia and bear attacks.

Nobody puts Baby in the back seat.

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The passions of the Earth blasted it's mind. Now it's neat sweet ready for the moon based grind. We love to boogie. We love to boogie on a Saturday night. We love to boogie. High school boogie, jitterbug boogie. We love to boogie on a Saturday night!

(T.Rex obviously recorded that song just for this thread.)

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Grinding? What ever happened to public masturbation? Kids are so lazy these days.

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Your motivation is so sweet. I'll call you Jaguar if I may be so bold.

(Of course, we used to figure he was calling her "Jaguar" because she tended to leak fluids and break down a lot.)

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