Yesterday my 10-year old granddaughter had a Zoom meeting with her teacher, and some of her classmates. The ones who were able to attend, were really excited about school. I fear many of her classmates will not have access, either because they lack devices and internet, or parents that are sufficiently engaged to make sure they're connected. Not to brag, but Addy on her own began studying Japanese on Duolingo, and studying snake anatomy, so she can write a paper.

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No, apparently I haven't "gotten the fucking hint yet". Your input has been noted.Thanks.

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because we are too stupid as a nation to accept a Mommy. We keep trying these failed daddies. Obama was the best though.

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ripping up off harder.

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they all hate the black guy. at the end of the day, America is Racist AF and they hate the black guy.

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the world has bullet trains and we have choo choos.

the myth of #AmericanExceptionalism is going down hard. thanks to the members of the Government of Putin . . .

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The first scene of "Parasite" comes to mind, in which the impoverished Korean family living the crummy basement discovers they can cadge some free wireless by holding their phones up in the air.

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If rural people have internet access, they won't vote Republican.

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Without Sanders as a spoiler, Hillary would be President.

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He sent millions to Louisiana for community broadband. Gov. Jindal refused the money because it wasn't for profit.

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Not as much as they hate women.

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Think of it as a job creator.

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true that. they hardly see us as worth hating.

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Nope. They just see us as appliances.

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make babies, dinner, etc.

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Yeah, turns out lack of access to information wasn't the problem. Some people will just use it to watch Alex Jones and QAnon garbage

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