Incredible visual aid in Atlanta, the woman carried this around for hours.


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Wait - no one's going to say "pull my finger"?

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Good on you, STG. I would have been there, but was working my volunteer shift at our local food bank, FFT.

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Good luck to you and the others passing out voter reg forms. And the rest of you. Stay hydrated. I sprained my ankle and instead of marching in the March for our Lives also registered voters, it was great. (This time I'm just dropping off water. Lots of water.) If Illinois allows for pre-registration (not 18 but will be on election day) make sure to get the 17 year olds. My daughters turned 18 this year and voted for the first time in the June primary. They said it was a bigger deal than their HS graduation. It makes an old man cry with pride to see the younglings so active.

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May you register so many that you run out of registration cards/forms/whatever you use in Illinois. And your junior Senator's first babby (Abagail) is cute as well.https://uploads.disquscdn.com/image...

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I had that hat on too!

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And a very awkward English high five back to you! Congratulations on your sweary daughter ;-)

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That wasn't in lieu of swearing, that was them claiming ownership.

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That's okay. Montreal, so it won't be hard to find somebody unhappy about SOMETHING, most likely a Quebecer complaining about les mauvaise Anglais.

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I dropped off a ton of water* at the Cleveland rally. I didn't stick around, in part because the logistics of staying were not going to be good for my back, and in part because I found myself shouting at people who were saying that protesting is more important than voting. Fuck them, fuck them hard.

*: not literally a ton. More accurately about 36000 moles of water, or 160 pounds..

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Holla back! See you at Public Square!

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I'll be there. I'll be wearing a purple tee shirt.

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Noon, Market Square.

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Only if you actually want them to slurp your buttocks, otherwise it's a vulgarity.

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Best wishes from Köln. No marches here, but I'll think of you and smile for my fellow non-commenters doing right. Take care.

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