He's been re-elected. Do you think the Blacks in his town/district are stoooopid?

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I've got my own problems but living in Pennsylvania is not one of them.

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Yes, it is. Look it up.

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Do you live in Pennsylvania? Because if you can't vote for him, why are you trying to denigrate his character?

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Thank FSM and all his noodly appendages, I've never been to PA and have no desire to change that.

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Campaigning against ice cream? In FLORIDA???

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Frankly I think anybody who sees a Black jogger and immediately pulls out their shotgun for a citizen's arrest is not at all fucking scared. Because you know what someone does when they're scared? They don't leave their fucking home to confront someone.

No, he had a shotgun and damned if he wasn't gonna use it on somebody.

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Was the guy in jail on serious charges related to this specific incident? Because his conduct elsewhere, in unrelated circumstances, doesn’t apply to this specific event. The jogger’s character is irrelevant.

Again, I’m not faulting people for voting for him, especially if he gets done the things they need. And I’ve made clear I don’t think he was acting racist by doing what he did. But I don’t think what he did was okay, at all.

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Is strange how being slammed as a purity pony for not agreeing with folks (and having opinions while not living in the exact location discussed???) leaves me feeling less than pure.

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In my liberal bubble of NYC I had a bunch of arguments with fellow lefties watching the armed faction of the fascist right show up at BLM protests and were openly wondering whether they should themselves get armed for self defense.

Of course, being NYC lefties, we already knew all the arguments against - mostly that owning a gun vastly increases the chances of being harmed or killed by a gun, of the fact that the bullet doesn't just stop when you want it to, etc.

However, to your larger point, the fact that the protest movement was called "BLACK LIVES MATTER" leave little to the imagination as to which side is actually threatened.

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I've been waiting almost 50 years for equal rights. Most of that time, all seemed fine with non-stop attacks on women's unalienable civil rights.If Roe goes, Brown is going, too.

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Wat? Lol

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I say I say I say you’re confused son.

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What are our goals? Where do we want to be in 22? What does our world look like? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Oh good, you're wheeling out this bullshit again.


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Oh good, you're wheeling out this bullshit again.


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