Comment of the Week. Contender for Comment of the Year.

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I've only seen 'Nam helicopters in films -Apocalypse Now, The Deer Hunter. Two really incredible films. With all I've been through lately, the Russian Roulette scene w/ De Niro and the Viet Cong didn't even make me flinch. Literally, not a twitch, no reaction. Just clinical detachment. When I first saw the film over a decade ago, I was hiding my eyes & running out of the room. But back to the photo -maybe Donna Rose will be a pilot when she grows up. I've never been in a helicopter. I have been in Cessna's though.

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Ok fine. I'll send you money Wonkette, just make some badly-needed updates to your car....

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I am not exaggerating. It’s like I have a new stomach and intestines. I also take probiotics every day.

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i thought i might get him with the “weird trick” teaser. he seems the type to fall for clickbait.

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Now, if you didn’t actually read the story....

Oh come on! Like that would ever happen on the internet! 😁

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He is click bait. I scream "NO YOU FOOL!" every time I hit a link to his Twitter feed. And it's only the rude and sarcastic bastards that tweet back that saves my sanity.

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Did the tree yesterday. A majority of the ornaments are dragons.

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Seriously. My first thought when he said they were still using the Obama system that was so bad was, "Why the hell haven't you dealt with it by now if it's that bad? Isn't that, like, your job?"

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As I remember, the ink tasted terrible on the backs of those things.

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Not to worry. The Americans being shot at won't even miss it.

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Oh, my, the word for tarantula in France is 'mygale', and I thought that was what you typed. Her lashes were often likened to spiders or other crawly things.

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Who knew?

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If only.Sigh!

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You like me, you really like me! Take THAT, Jessica, nobody's impressed with your Land Rover.

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"Zieh bld nach Montanaund werde ein Baumwoll-Watte Tykoon, (Oh, yeah)Zieh bald nach MontanaUnd werde "a mennil-toss flykune".

Frank Zappa, Munchkin Music ASCAP (trans:Zweithousandeins)

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