Sometimes, just because you *can* has shiny new website, doesn't mean you SHOULD.

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Damn, you're living high! :-p

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Good luck! Hope this works out for you.

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Hey, he apologized. It's unusual to see a Trump appointee exhibit that level of self-awareness / shame.

Of course, the message has nothing to do with reality. So, I guess it's a wash?

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As a casual reader I see this crappy new format pushing me in that direction.

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on the bright side, the 3 eldest Trump kids, Jared and other high profile staff will NEVER walk in public again without being taunted, booed, or otherwise harrassed. Forever.

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Yeah. She'd have to be a PoC to have that happen. /s

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No fucking way- I thought the ACA =/= Obama Care thing was dumb.

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I've experienced plenty of bitterness toward random assemblies of DNA simply born into lives of wealth, ease, and excess. All they had to do was take their first breath and they were set for LIFE. I had to WORK. I won't bore you with the details, but after the hell I climbed out of to the destination I now abide, I consider my wealth of far greater value to me than any of theirs.

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No. Even from the home page, I have to scroll through whole articles. Some of them are abbreviated now, which is better, but some are still full-on open. It makes it difficult to see if there are new ones and makes the scrolling almost literally infinite now. It's a PITA. Maybe still just a glitch at this point.

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I can't even remember what started that. Someone mentioned canned clams, someone objected to them vociferously, and it's been a running site gag ever since.

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Yeah, hoping they'll fix in that case.

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GOTV! We can do this! We can put a responsible majority in charge, and stop, or at least retard, this madness.

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That and having to scroll through the whole article again to get to the comments.

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While it's been more than a couple of decades since I was employed as Prof. Orme's (English Dept) assistant in my college's work-study program, I can say with reasonable grammatical certainty that "worthless, hoofwanking bunglecunt" is correct.

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The stench is indeed overwhelming...

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