If this was Chelsea, Bill and/or Hillary would have hauled her ass out of the seat.

But not Daddy Dearest. Hell no.

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Forcing out the remains of that wienerschnitzel from the night before?

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Or the dipshit that post this Tweet.

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I'm so very happy for you. (SeeTrain said, his jaw cracking and his teeth grinding into dust in his own mouth.) ; )

Honestly, the first part is legit.

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Actually, she was trying to sit on his lap and he stood up too fast.

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Maybe he was off watching a Fox & Friends repeat where he was a call-in guest.

Or maybe, he disappeared because the session was called "Partnership with Africa, Migration and Health”. The Orange Foolius has made it pretty clear that black folks, immigrants, and healthcare aren't exactly his top 3 priorities.

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But her emails!

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Because food stamps, school lunches, medicare, and planned parenthood don't "trickle down."

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She had her Mason shoe catalogue with her to take orders?

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The only thing that trickles down is piss down the leg of a 1%er.

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If only we had some skilled diplomats, a Department of Foreign Countries and Stuff, who could handle these things.

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Ohhhh, you should've. We were all warned, and no one picked up on it - certainly not the media, may the ghost of Murrow continue to fuck them sideways. I think it was Eric who declared early on that Dad's job would be "making America great again" [through golfing and continually kissing Putin's ass, one presumes] leaving him free to do the actual executive/administrative work.

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Fuck you so very much. So now you just don't like Ivanka any more? Your redemption isn't that cheaply bought, cupcake.

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Yeah, but HE can be impeached.

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Eaten right off the side of the road, or hotted up first?

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"Technically Ivanka is the "HandJOB of the king"."

There, fixed it for ya.

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