Trustfund babies are always experts in every subject. And they need to let everyone know that🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

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But will they have her exclusive design on them?.

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I hate to judge anyone by looks, but I think she looks better in this picture than ever before. I hate the plasticized over made up way she usually looks. She looks human here even

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The last I heard Ivarka does not actually have a job. She has a hobby. She looks after a doddering parent. But she doesn't actually have a job, someplace that depends on her presence day to day and from which she could be fired for incompetence or absence. So what is this "I'm working from home" bullshit?

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She continued in Part Two, which you can watch if you want.

Yeah, that's gonna be a HARD no for me, dawg. Maybe even an, "aw FUCK no!"

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Not watching the video, thanks. Stephen, she is not free of makeup. She's wearing the so-called "natural look," which on her looks about as natural as a mannequin of a blow-up doll.

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And if there were millenia of history of men's mustaches being used to control and subjugate them, this would be a great analogy.

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"Love god and love your neighbor. All the rest is mere commentary."-- Hillel, Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, about 40 BCE

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Deaths from COVID-19 are actually directly from the COVID-19 infection itself, not from secondary bacterial infections. The virus itself causes pneumonia, which *might* be due to an uncontrolled inflammatory response (hence the higher rate of complications among people with inflammatory-related conditions like diabetes, cadiovascular disease and autoimmune disorders).

Flu typically does not cause pneumonia, but you might get a bacterial pneumonia following a flu from, say, pneumococcus.

If the healthcare system collapses under the sheer number of people coming down with COVID-19 however, there will be a lot of indirect deaths from people with other unrelated conditions who will die because they cannot have medical care, as well as COVID-19 cases that might have survived with the appropriate standard of care (which, as Italy's stats show, is more around 7-10% of infected than 1-3%).

This is why it's laughably optimistic to project 1% mortality in those inept "herd immunity" scenarios - mortality rises sharply, even among younger healthy people, given lack of medical care.

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Why do I get the impression that the entire family watched Avengers: Infinity War together and approved of Thanos's actions?

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The rich are different.

And the pretend-rich are a whole 'nother ball of shit.

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Please, she had so much plastic surgery, she puts Barbi to shame.

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She's tryin' to make up for her daddy dearest's apathy.Hey, ivy, it's NOT working. Go back to what you know & are sincere about !!

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It's only a matter of time before she starts shilling a candle that smells like her vag. Goop onward.

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And is tested before each appointment.

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Like he'd thank the ones who did kiss his orange butt. Those meetings where he makes everyone go around the table telling him how great he is? He ever say, "Thank you for those kind words," after they were done? Of course not.

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