I wanted to focus on not spilling my soup.

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The modern Caroline's parents must have hated her from birth to give her that name.

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To quote Zyxomma, "BARF".

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She has the money for doctors to make that not happen for, oh, I dunno, a couple more decades.

BUT... have you seen her grandmother?

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I read the article in The Atlantic. It was disturbing on so many levels. One of them was the fact that it is very likely when this national nightmare is over she will be welcomed back to New York Society and slip back into her previous life. She is the epitome of a phony person and puts every other phony person I've ever met in the shade. One thing Ivanka does know is how to manipulate her Daddy. She knows he lusts after her.

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I apologize in advance for this comment, and I may be going out on a limb here, but Trump's proposal that Ivanka have the position of the leader of the World Bank is probably not the "position" he really wants for Ivanka. I would guess "reverse cowgirl" would be closer than World-Bank leader, but I could be wrong. And yes, I totally apologize for making jokes about incest, even in the case that you folks have a daughter who you would "totally date."

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I'm going to run for president when I turn 70, because I'll be twice as old enough.

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that face and hair..............and she's the "pretty one"?YIKES!

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"Pleasing blankness" Synonym: vapid, vacuous, treads carefully on family closet skeletons. Wife of seller of (alleged) seller of state secrets through private encrypted direct line to Saudi money bagmen. Complicit in treason (alleged) through family nepotism and being daddy's "baby".

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unless the president is referring to the time they spent playing a child's board game involving dice and a thimble.

The most unbelievable part of this article is the suggestion that Donald ever invested that much time into his kids.

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Princess Vapid Vank Vank demonstrates her brilliance: https://twitter.com/ashleyf...

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It's quite clear he didn't, as evidenced by the lack of any Westermarck effect:https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

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To protect my brain, I thought of whether or not Donald Trump has ever driven a car. One could also wonder if Donald Trump has ever been in the front seat of a car.

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There's an interview clip of Donald and Marla with Donald holding the recently-born Tiffany and speculating about how good her breasts would be when she grew up.

For all of her faults, Marla should still get Mother of the Year for getting her daughter far, far, away from that.

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Look for the silver lining, If she does make back to her previous life, SHE'LL be the one having to pay for protection instead of the taxpayer. And I imagine she'll need it more than ever.

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