AS they did with Roe vs Wade

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already seeing this here in the dairy industry. the refuge farm has 2 cows that didnt come up to snuff in the "only females allowed' genetic breeding program. Someone really fucked up because one of them is male

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Fred appears to be a bit of a dick. OT away bupkus

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the letters HOA push me into murderous rage. Ours is run by old white fuckwits who actually measure people's grass in the spring and summer.

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designer babies now are only possible for single gene mutations (sickle cell, etc …), attributes like height, strength, or intelligence are currently beyond our ability as they are multi-gene phenomena & not clearly understood … won’t stop folks from trying, looking ahead for sad outcomes …

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actual Baileys is so much more expensive than the knock off stuff. the reason it is in the dark bottle ( from their website) (to shelter the liquid from excess light). It must be kept ( ha ha) in a dark cool place- not the fridge as the light affects the contents

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it’s un-American you know, copulation without representation …

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the newly established Sixth District Court of AppealsAdding judgeships for me, but not for thee.

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Did no one look at his decisions, instead just looking at his job descriptions?

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And just as the rich already have every advantage (can do SAT prep classes, years and years of pricey after-school tutoring, etc.) to raise their kids like hothouse flowers to trample everyone else and keep others down, they will use genetics also to make their kids faster, stronger, better looking, etc.

That aspect of it makes me very uncomfortable, while the disease combating doesn't carry the same malignancy to me.

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Or they'll be like Kate Gosselin and have them anyway because she's a selfish bint and them have several children that end up with deficits.

And I think OctoMom's kids have even worse challenges than the Gosselins do because of precisely the same issue.

Humans weren't meant to give birth in such big litters.

IMHO, I think refusing to downsize in those situations is short sighted and cruel.

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"Stop. No one is coming for IVF or birth control,"

we've heard variations of this every damn where, and were called ridiculous and whatnot.

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This cancer resides [illegally] at Mar-a-Largeanus.

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Instead of IVF people having difficulty conceiving/gestating could ADOPT some of these babies they insist on Other People producing. As if the loss of their precious genes which they were totally responsible for manufacturing would be mourned by all civilized people forever, fuck off.

The kid is going grow up, move to the city and never speak to you again anyway.

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"actual Baileys is so much more expensive than the knock off stuff. the reason it is in the dark bottle ..."

That'a why I'drinking the knockoff stuff - but every other knockoff als9 came in a heavy, dark bottle ( heavy for the amount pf content )- so justifying the premium price for Bailey's certainly can't be based on that.

Now moving to ersatz Bailey's over ice - can't drink coffee too much late in the day in case it keeps me awake

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I've ranted before, the IVF industry has been on bad terms with honest "pro lifers" for a very long time. I personally would like to see certain chronic abuses redefined as flat sexual assault. Yeah, it is THAT bad...

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