It's amazing how many morons claim to love Capitalism™, but don't understand non-zero-sum games... which is the fundamental basis for capitalism.

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There goes the votes of Ohioans of Ukrainian descent.

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Well, they made him public affairs for an air wing, so they probably wanted to put him somewhere he could do the least harm.

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We have a leadership in this country that is constantly focused on stuff that has nothing to do with citizens in our country. It has nothing to do with serving middle-class citizens of my state of Ohio.

J D Vance is an island everybody.

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If the movie portrayed them as accurately as they were described in his book that I didn't read, they are/were assholes.

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Just dropping this here... https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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The makeup he uses to line around his eyes.

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On a related note, Josh Mandel's mom let him make a video where he tries to fool people into thinking he is some sort of macho Marine that "did two tours in Anbar", with pics of him in combat gear with a gun. Of course, most people in Ohio know that Josh is a reservist who never was anywhere near the front. He's Pro-God, Pro-gun and Pro-Trump. He left out Pro-Putin though...

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I wish these folks would read their own bibles.

"Freely you have received, freely give." - Matthew 10:8

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That there is a limited amount of compassion to go around really does line up with the Republican world view. To them, everything is limited, everything is in short supply. It seems like a damn depressing way to live.

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To paraphrase J.D. - I have to be honest with you, I don't care what happens to J.D's grandmother or mother.

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Of which there are many, at least up here in northeast Ohio. You know, the part of the state Vance in no way feels he'd be required to represent.

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Because he's JD Vance, that's why.

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It's not meant to stimulate the appetite, it's a way to try and force kids to eat whatever you gave them. My mom tried the In Africa argument once when I was a kid. I'd been eating oatmeal every morning and I was bored with it. My response to her attempt to guilt trip me was to suggest we mail the African kids my oatmeal. It took about 10 minutes of back and forth for her to realize I was being serious and not talking back. Never tried that on me again.

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"Pro-Putin" can be assumed these days

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If they live in a city, they already don't count. People of Ukrainian descent who live in a city DOUBLE don't count.

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