Yeah, I'm sure that'll help.

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I must have missed when the Russians moved troops into Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Moldova, when did that happen?

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"I got to be honest with you, I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or the other.”

Spoken like a true appeaser. he's done the math and he knows putin needs to be putin-down but he thinks he might get a high position in the putin world dominion.

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JD Vance, former Marine Corps Pubic Affairs Officer.

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Don't forget these folks. https://youtu.be/xfs8zy1pYjs

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I wonder if he ever knew about the Highlander Folk School. He probably still doesn't. https://youtu.be/xfs8zy1pYjs

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Read the news. Troops have moved. Magic Eight Ball says yes, Putin thinks he can get away with it.

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Christ, what an asshole.

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Please Ohio elect Tim Ryan but dammit I would rather see Mandel win than Vance because Mandel simply seems less thirsty.

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Thanks. I'll write that down. It is a very good vet clinic. People come from NY/NJ/Philly to see their animal surgeon.

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So you believe Russians are stupid and suicidal? Sorry, I actually know a few, and they're not.

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I think Ryan has a shot against either of those charlatans. But the sane GOPer might actually win the primary. Yes, Jim Jordan is from a district in Ohio, but by and large the Ohio GOP does reward some level of governance.

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"I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or the other.”

Holy shit, can you imagine if it was the 80s and the USSR was on the verge of invading, like, Austria, and a Senate candidate said some bullshit like this?

This guy has NEVER read a fucking history book. So much for "elite" education.

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Vance isn't just a piece of shit. He's a fucking insubordinate dirtbag puke piece of shit.

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