I watched every episode of Supernatural and I don't think less of Jesus than I did before.

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It would be hard for me to think less of him than I do….

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Fair enough, but I thought I'd walk a finer line than yours.

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You want to know who the true Christian victims are?

The children who were raped, beaten, tortured and even murdered by priests and nuns, reverends and elders, parsons and deacons, in churches, schools. orphanages -- anywhere a cross hangs on a wall.

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Ta, Robyn. Personally, I never have known a persecuted Christian of any stripe. I was persecuted for being Jewish before I understood anything about what made us different.

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If you want to see Christian persecution, just look at the bloodbath in 16th and 17th century Europe in the wake of the Reformation where millions were slaughtered in the name of religion

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It's all every confusing. If God is God and there are no other gods why was the first commandment to have no other God before Him? And if God is God where did all these devils and demons come from? Oh, right, fallen angels. But is God is omnipotent why does he need to be surrounded by angels? And where does it say that angels have free will? I thought that only happened because Adam from the Tree of Knowledge. So if angels have no free will how could have revolted against God?

It's questions like this that lead me to atheism. No God, No Angels, No Devil, No demons, no hell. It makes life as lot more simple.

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Latin mass? The 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭 mass is in Greek. And don't get me started on 𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘰𝘲𝘶𝘦. It's been 900 years and they still haven't forgiven one another.

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Proboscis brothers

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The upcoming intra-Trumpist flamewar between Protestant maniacs and Catholic maniacs will be gruesome. It'll be like under Franco, where the ultra-Catholics were literally throwing bombs at the secular fascists

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There's MORE self-aggrandizing Posobiecs??

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One was quite enough.

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Christ told you to not pray on the streets but in private. And he told you to pray to his father in that privacy.

What Scriptures are they talking about?

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the rosaries are a prop - we have many many nuns in my family and they would never wave them around performatively - while i'm not religious myself, it always annoys me to see icons of religion (anyones religion) used as a fashion statement or a prop

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If I died on a cross, I'd be kinda freaked out seeing all the crucifixes people use for decorations and jewelry and such.

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It's more difficult to do performative religion without props.

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i've always thought that real religion shouldn't need props - that you should be able to be of your faith without a lot of trappings and 'stuff' - but i am also aware that some iconography or symbolism is considered essential for practice of faith - i guess its the performance that shits me

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We need better props. And what better prop is there than an adult rattle-snake?

Get into those churches and toss a bag of rattlers on the floor. We'll hear some SINCERE prayers after that point.

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Just don't chose a church that already charms snakes. You'd create a Snakenado and vindicate Indiana Jones.

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My entire Catholic school had to say the rosary together every Friday afternoon during Lent via the PA system. Do you want to know how much I hate saying the rosary? Let me tell you how much I hate saying the rosary.

I hate saying the rosary a lot.

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Your mistake was not being a public school Catholic.

My mother pretty much told the priest we weren't going to go to Catholic school because she didn't have the time or interest in schmoozing with the priests or nuns to get us good grades. Ma (public school HS graduate 1933) was raised by immigrants fresh off the boat, but her mother had them singing in their eastern rite church's choir and in a protestant church's choir because it kept them off the streets and out of trouble.

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that's fair

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If Christ turned up tomorrow, they'd be getting timber and nails together so fast.

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Some of them have the crosses already ready in front of their churches.....

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They look like they're mad at their Rosaries !

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As a woke liberal I'm more like to pray to Dean Winchester's abs than the supernatural or anything to do with Michael Bay.

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I'm here for the Supernatural gifs only. ;)

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Growing up Baptist I have zero understanding of Catholicism. My 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Stone, however, taught us a lot about Judaism so at least I got to learn about that.

Which brings to mind that if the Rights want to teach religion in the schools, let's understand them all. It was pretty cool of Mrs Stone really.

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