Nope, gotta watch Ow, My Balls.

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It's really quite simple: Under the new, improved Billionaire's First Amendment, Jack gets freedom <i>of</i> speech (his), and freedom <i>from</i> speech (yours). And no, you don't get to criticize the new rules -- that's what they're for.

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Imagine a country where people complained about the money being spent on health, education and welfare. Surely that would be intolerable.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=TYpYs9GBXwY" target="_blank">You said it... </a>

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Jack Welch, it's called Freedom of Speech.

Not Freedom of Screech.

Perhaps they taught you wrong in your American Historionics classes?

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<i>"Imagine a country where the major corporations weren't rewarded for offshoring jobs and the CEO's of such corporations believed in creating a livable wage for it's employees."</i>

A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far ... wait, <a href="http:\/\/corporate.ford.com\/news-center\/press-releases-detail\/677-5-dollar-a-day" target="_blank">it wasn't far away at all. </a>

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Doctor Evil?

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we should totally make it illegal for people to criticize the <strike>insane</strike> rich, for freedom.


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Is it just me, or is it starting to look like <em>Idiocracy</em> vastly understated the problem?

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if barack obama is so damned good at manipulating numbers why hasn't he done something about this poll data?

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Funny how many people interpret "freedom of speech" as "freedom from criticism".

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Wingnut Guide to the Constitution 101.

Free speech for me but not for thee.

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