You wouldn't be sick anymore, so viola!

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"Sure, it is!" - Dr. Zoidberg

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I'm pretty sure anything used to decontaminate buildings of anthrax and eradicate mold is not something one should be consuming.

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When to save kids from their idiot parents is always a tough call. And when the idiots are teabagger-prepper-type idiots, you can expect the wingnuts to get into quite a lather.

But <a href="http:\/\/www.fda.gov\/ForConsumers\/ConsumerUpdates\/ucm228052.htm" target="_blank">this MMS shit is nasty</a> and if the parents were feeding it to the kids, this was a good move. I have a hard time believing they took the kids because dad was using it in his garden . . . given what industrial bleach (mixed with fruid juice?) most likely would do to anybody's garden.

I'll go and be all racist by pointing out the fact that, if the parents weren't white, the same bunch of assholes - in the unlikley event that they cared at all - would be cheering on the authorities.

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A little hemlock for your tea, perhaps?

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Who let Sarah Palin™ start writing word salad in our banned comments?

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MMS scientists are the only ones RWNJs believe.

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<i>officials served a warrant at the home of Hal and Michelle Stanley</i>

Hal and Michelle make a great team. You know, like nitro and glycerin.

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Wait, Arkansas has Child Protection Services?

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