Too little too late

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people like McEnany will always find a gig in the corporate world.

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With much playing of Abba 'I believe'. Like I needed an excuse at rhe arse end of this year

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If Kaylee Maganinny comes out admits that all members of the Donnie One Term's press office are liars, is that the Epimenides paradox?

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Wow, my boy Jake went full Dashiell Hammett on McEnany: The dame “lies like most people breathe." She's never going to be straight with you. Don't even bother.

I wish SER wouldn't tease us like that. A world where Sunday talk show hosts or their guests talked like hard-boiled gumshoes would be a world where I would eagerly watch them. Pity.

Speaking of which:

McEnany is more like Trump himself, who lies without hesitation.

To paraphrase my favorite cop novelist, Joseph Wambaugh, Trump "lies even when the truth would save him." Former cops know a lot about lies.

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When the deal goes down, how are all these alleged Christian knobs gonna reconcile their allegiance to Trump with their supposed dedication to Christ? Because, the deal will go down. And the intersection of "Trump" and "Christian" is the empty set.

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"So you're telling me my eye-lids are out of bounds? Buncha lightweights." Needz moar ink.

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And pay attention. Because, these people...

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You're probably right.

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All this conservative whining about colleges teaching Marxism, Socialism, Satanism and in turn brainwashing our poor kids is a bunch of hooey. McEnany went to Georgetown and Harvard. Tom Cotton Harvard. Ted Cruz Princeton and Harvard. Donald Trump Academy of Cornwall on the Hudson. At these major universities they learned about parallel universes, about other dimensions, other timelines, inexistence, irreality, and dearth of the soul and the appreciation for Satan. What did Jake Tapper expect?

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Or the grits and grift circuit working for Trump there.

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Jesus. Aryan brotherhood guy comes out of prison looking like a Mexican Dia de los Muertes poster boy.

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Lisa Kudrow does an excellent mash-up of Kayleigh and Kellyanne in "Death to 2020" on Netflix.

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Unfortunately a number of them have already found plum gigs, appointed to Boards by Trump on his way out, with far better compensation than most will ever see-which, when the dust settles will make for a fine line on their resume

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This is what you get if muppets lie

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